#destruction #devildriver #devintownsend #devintownsendproject #dew #dieapokalyptischenreiter #diekrupps #diemydarlin #dimmuborgir #dio #disbelief #disharmonicorchestra #dissection #doro #doropesch #dougpinnick #dreamtheater #duffmckagan #edwardclarke #engel #exodus #fallujah #fateswarning #fergie #fight #finntroll #fivefingerdeathpunch #flotsam #gammaray #genehoglan
As long as I'm on a #dougpinnick jag this morning, I am ashamed to only be finding about this 2007 album just now; one of my favorite things in music is finding projects where artists I really dig cross-pollinate, and this album has Kelli Scott (#failure) *and* Alain Johannes and Natasha Schneider (#eleven, #qotsa, RIP Natasha) on it and I have no idea what it sounds like, but I know I'm going to like it
#qotsa #eleven #failure #dougpinnick
Holy fuck why have I not listened to this album for so long, "Jangle" is absolutely an anthem for right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rK7N7N0C3Y #nowplaying #np #tootradio #poundhound #dougpinnick #massivegroovesfromtheelectricchurchofpsychofunkadelicrockmusic
#massivegroovesfromtheelectricchurchofpsychofunkadelicrockmusic #dougpinnick #poundhound #tootradio #np #nowplaying
Doug Pinnick is a goddamned national treasure https://youtube.com/watch?v=1K0hmNQdWoc #kingsx #dougpinnick