Finally got around to finishing another blog post about the games in the #同ZINE #douZINE anthology! Choju Yokai Giga is made #NiceGearGames, a vegetable duo adorably nicknamed daikon and renkon.
This one is an ambitiously complex action platormer/tower defense/deck builder hybrid, and it works! Once you wrap your head around it, and with some difficulty 😅 But also it got me pondering on how I engage with games and media generally.
#nicegeargames #douzine #同zine
I wrote a few of my thoughts about another of the games in the #同ZINE #douZINE anthology, this time it's Mimi and animals by #HidebuGames!
An adorable and funny RPG Maker game about lending a helping hands to the animals in your neighbourhood, and also oops you just became queen. Made for the dev's daughter, this is a lovely game for kids, a little like a storybook in RPG form :blobbear_heartcute:
I recently wrote a little bit about the #IndieGame 湯圓 [tong jyun] by #npckc, as part of the #同ZINE #douZINE bundle of games by Japanese devs. It captures the specific relation that diaspora kids can have with the food of their inherited culture in a way that really echoed with my own experience. Definitely worth a try if you're into games that capture everyday banality and quiet familial love!
#douzine #同zine #npckc #indiegame
Speaking of, I should link to the game here! You can find 湯圓 [tong jyun] here :
And you can find #douZINE #同ZINE , a zine full of Japanese indie games including this one, right here :