I am declaring April as World Writing Month. November was always a rough month to try and write tons of words. April is far better, and spring seems to motivate folks.
But WoWriMo is not about novels. It's about setting a goal and striving each day to meet it. Maybe it's "post to my blog once a week," or "write six poems," or "submit three short stories." Whatever you want. Just make it a month you dedicate to the craft of writing, in all its forms.
#wowrimo #imadeitup #dowhatyouwant #havefun
Well I don't use the #SteamDeck as a mobile device. I have it plugged in on #LifeSupport like all the time.
In regards to looks and screen yes you can compare it.
It's just that there is no other device that inspires the little engineer that lives in every person.
The Steam Deck is a #TinkeringDevice.
You can do that on a Switch but only unofficially. #Nintendo dislikes tinkerers and will threaten with their #TermsOfService.
#SteamDeck #lifesupport #tinkeringdevice #dowhatyouwant #nintendo #termsofservice #valve #openarms
A tune for today - dance and move your head up and down. #DoWhatYouWant #Jiggle https://youtu.be/roGmGWOOcTA
Have you ever thought about quitting your job and doing something totally different? What would it be?