Downgrade Your Heathkit H8 to the World’s First 8-bit Microprocessor - Typically when you’re replacing parts in an old computer it’s either for repairs o... - #retrocomputing #retrocomputing #heathkith8 #downgrade #intel8008
#intel8008 #downgrade #heathkith8 #retrocomputing
Could a Bitcoin bull run be triggered by Fitch’s US credit rating downgrade? - Fitch downgraded the US credit rating due to its government debt ... - #downgrade #treasury #markets #moodys #fitch #cds
#cds #fitch #moodys #markets #treasury #downgrade
Money slips away fast
U.S. credit rating dips low
Fitch makes its call
#fitch #uscreditrating #downgrade #haiku #poetry
The commentary by #fitch about the long term #rating #downgrade to #AA+ for the #US is 🔥
Ratings Downgrade: The rating downgrade of the United States reflects the expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, a high and growing general government debt burden, and the erosion of governance relative to 'AA' and 'AAA' rated peers over the last two decades that has manifested in repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions.
#us #aa #downgrade #rating #fitch
Fitch Downgrades US Government’s Debt Rating – Does This Boost Crypto’s Use-case? - In a surprise move, global rating agency Fitch downgraded the US government’s credit rati... - #usdebtrating #downgrade #features #use-case #bitcoin #crypto #fitch #btc
#btc #fitch #crypto #bitcoin #use #features #downgrade #usdebtrating
So, das Pixel 3a XL ist jetzt mit #ubuntu #touch ausgestattet.
Wichtig, wenn es jemand nachmachen möchte:
Nach dem #Downgrade auf #android 9 kann es passieren das der ewige Startscreen kommt. Einfach in den flashmode booten und Ubuntu drüber Flaschen. Anschließend in den Recovery Modus und alles resetten, danach neu starten. Dann sollte Ubuntu starten.
Habe den ersten #defect bereits gefunden.
Übermorgen ersuche ich das erste Telefonat...
#ubuntu #touch #downgrade #android #defect
Commuters battle horrific congestion on 26 lane highway. More lanes?
“You just can’t build your way out of congestion. It’s one of those things — the more you build, the more people come and fill those roads up...Authorities should be careful that development and road upgrades don’t further embed reliance on private cars.”
“You can’t keep building roads forever. It needs to be a multi-modal approach of public transport, roads and active transport as a whole system solution.”
#roads #highways #upgrades #downgrade #sprawl #commuters #WastedLifeTime #cars #crashes #PrivateVehicles #NSW #Bellingen #So50s #congestion #climatechange
#roads #highways #upgrades #downgrade #sprawl #commuters #wastedlifetime #cars #crashes #privatevehicles #nsw #bellingen #so50s #congestion #climatechange
Downgraded 22.04 -> 20.04, Ubuntu won't save user settings #settings #downgrade
China’s Credit Agency Downgrades US Credit Rating Over Debt-Ceiling Standoff and Looming Default - China’s oldest credit rating agency, Chengxin International Credit Rating (CCXI), ... - #chengxininternationalcreditrating(ccxi) #creditratingagency #politicaldiscord #risinginflation #creditrating #unitedstates #debtceiling #economics #downgrade #inflation #moodys
#moodys #inflation #downgrade #economics #debtceiling #unitedstates #creditrating #risinginflation #politicaldiscord #creditratingagency #chengxininternationalcreditrating
How to Reverse/Downgrade Subway Surfers Update in Android Mobiles?
#Downgrade #AndroidUpdate #SubwaySurfers
#downgrade #androidupdate #subwaysurfers
#GOPHostage Credit-Rating Firm #Fitch Considers U.S. #Downgrade as Debt-Ceiling Talks Drag - WSJ
The US credit ratings are surely under review
And Scope Ratings on Friday did justly accrue
A downgrade could be in store
And Wall Street potential be no more
Markets that had rallied could know a bad few
The American Dream at risk of being through
What will the future be? All we can do is review
#uscreditratings #scoperatings #finance #downgrade #poetry
Central Banks Reduce US Dollar Swap Lines to Weekly Auctions Amid Moody’s US Banking Sector Downgrade - After the tumultuous downfall of three major banks, namely Silvergate Bank, Silico... - #centralbankdigitalcurrencies #emergencyresponse #marketobservers #bankingcrisis #centralbanks #creditrating #economics #downgrade #liquidity #recession #swaplines #usdollar
#usdollar #swaplines #recession #liquidity #downgrade #economics #creditrating #centralbanks #bankingcrisis #marketobservers #emergencyresponse #centralbankdigitalcurrencies
Heute haben wir im kleinen Kreis über Verzicht diskutiert und wie das für Unternehmen interessant werden könnte.
#gruenenull #nachhaltigkeit #downgrade #Gemeinwohloekonomie
I have installed Python 3.6.15 but when i try to make a virtual enviorment give this error #downgrade
Meanwhile, I would offer you the same type of downgrade/warning about the job market as well. Even though you’re still being told that the unemployment rate is only 3.6% and there are 1.9 open jobs for every 1 unemployed person, NO. NOOOOOOOOO. Believe that mess at your own risk!
#economy #jobmarket #banks #recession #downgrade
Is there a simple way to find out the last 5.15 kernel release for Ubuntu 22.04? #kernel #2204 #downgrade