RT @CaltransDist3: SR-49 now open between #Downieville and SR-89! Proceed with caution! For current info about #roadconditions, download the #QUICKMAP app to your smart device, now with push notifications! Find it at https://t.co/HS687UyWxf. #KnowBeforeYouGo #TrafficAlert @CaltransHQ @CHPgv https://t.co/tqXhhg06k3
#downieville #roadconditions #quickmap #knowbeforeyougo #trafficalert
SR-49 now open between #Downieville and SR-89! Proceed with caution! For current info about #roadconditions, download the #QUICKMAP app to your smart device, now with push notifications! Find it at quickmap.dot.ca.gov. #KnowBeforeYouGo #TrafficAlert @CaltransHQ @CHPgv
#downieville #roadconditions #quickmap #knowbeforeyougo #trafficalert