The spleen stores platelets and platelet Na and K content can have large interindividual differences, depending on Na/K ATPase activity -
#sodiumpump #downsyndrome #platelets
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods #AusPods #Podcast #Podcasts #Podcasting #Australia #Society #Culture #Health #Wellness #PersonalStories #DownSyndrome #QLD
#greatauspods #auspods #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #australia #society #culture #health #wellness #personalstories #downsyndrome #qld
My posts are about:
I am so lucky to get to be Mum to these two amazing people. As a family we are grateful to rational thinking, kind hearted people.
#myfamily #downsyndrome #learningdisability #autism #myalgicencephalomyelitis #pots #trichotillomania #reallife #familyhistory
#WritingWonders 7/2: I think my main character is likeable; he'd have to be, since the book is aimed at 3-5 year olds. :)
He's got the #dragon equivalent of #DownSyndrome and doesn't seem to be as talented as his sister at all things dragonish... But he is the one to save the day in the end despite not being able to fly or breathe fire or being really small.
#downsyndrome #dragon #writingwonders
I #amwriting a children's picture book. I think this is the longest any ~400 words had ever taken me with a lot of rewriting, haha! I just printed it out and counted syllables by stanza to see where the biggest imbalances are. First time writing a rhyming book. Tested the reading level and got that nailed right at a second grade reading level, at least.
#downsyndrome #dragons #books #illustrated #childrensbook #amwriting
Global News BC: Crown seeks stiffer sentence for B.C. caregiver in death of woman with Down syndrome #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FlorenceGirardDeath #homesharecaregiver #downsynromedeath #stiffersentence #FlorenceGirard #homesharedeath #Sentenceappeal #DownSyndrome #AstridDahl #HomeShare #Appeal #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #florencegirarddeath #homesharecaregiver #downsynromedeath #stiffersentence #florencegirard #homesharedeath #sentenceappeal #downsyndrome #astriddahl #homeshare #appeal #crime
Tonight's dinner was fish and tots. The fish is made with a gluten free batter because my daughter has #CeliacDisease which is not uncommon in people with #DownSyndrome. When I make this I use a beer batter made from GF beer.
Alice saw the cans and saw "gluten free" and asked if she could have it. No, you can't. Alice is 20 and starting beer right now is a bad idea. She doesn't have much restraint.
Hi! I'm Ollie, a Halfling/Dragonborn #NPC, 1st ever mini w/ #DownSyndrome, featured in the Limitless Champions Kickstarter, w/ miniatures and 5e NPC cards.
Bardic Inspiration: Make the real world better simply by supporting this campaign! #minis #TTRPG #DnD
#npc #downsyndrome #minis #ttrpg #DnD
Alice had a really rough afternoon. Her PCA came to take her to the gym and to run some errands. Meanwhile E and I prepped some planks to refresh the pergola. When Alice came home, she was much more chipper, so I gave her my brush and let her put on some water seal. It honestly worked way better than I expected. #parenting #DownSyndrome
More info on parenting a young person with #DownSyndrome This is an exercise in #accessibilty The store shelves are too high for Alice to grab a carton of broth without bringing down a couple with it. I knew this was on her list so I turned one carton sideways so she can grab it when she goes by.
1. a bunny rabbit ran out into the street this morning, and I did *not* hit it.
2. I got to sit in the sun for a little bit this afternoon.
3. This new Barbie with Down Syndrome is very cool! It may sell out before I get one, and I’m ok with that, too. #TheLuckyFew #DownSyndrome #WouldntChangeAThing
#wouldntchangeathing #downsyndrome #TheluckyFew #3goodthings
How can featuring a #Barbie doll with #DownSyndrome enhance inclusivity in TTRPGs? What steps can game developers and players take to accurately represent people with disabilities in stories and characters? Create a more diverse and respectful #TTRPG community.
My $SPOUSE and I had one of those rare evenings where I had to go out, but she wasn't home yet. We touched base and made the choice to leave my daughter (who has #DownSyndrome) alone for the 12 minutes. When I got home tonight...
#ThatFirstTime that actors with #DownSyndrome feature as couple in A popular music video. Great video and the song is cool too. 😉 #JukeboxFridayNight enjoy!
#JukeboxFridayNight #downsyndrome #thatfirsttime
#Mattel debuts first #Barbie with #DownSyndrome
Marcus is already stoked about this movie, now *I* can’t wait to see his face when he recognizes someone who looks a little like him in a Disney role! #DownSyndrome
@patrickworld And a cool guy too! Here’s a billboard that featured Quincy Jones and my son Marcus, in support of the Global Down Syndrome Foundation. Quincy Jones has been a great friend and ally to the #DownSyndrome community! Very cool.
Kayla McKeon loved playing with #Barbie dolls as a little girl, but none of them looked like her, because McKeon has #DownSyndrome. Now, because of her advocacy, there's a Barbie that represents her. Go #Mattel!
If you want an excellent example of the human cesspool that both Twitter and Facebook have become, just read the comments on the different news posts about Mattel's newly released Barbie with Down Syndrome.
As a dad of a daughter with DS, it is heartbreaking to see those like my beautiful girl mocked and tormented online.
Funnily enough, by those who call themselves "Pro-life" online... those who call themselves Christian in their bios.
#downsyndrome #socialmedia #onlineextremism #yyc #hate