Yes, today I will be boosting pretty much any anti-monarchy, "WTF are the UK police on, arresting people who didn't yet do anything?" messages.
#notmyking #downwithmonarchy #unlawfularrests
The growing irrelevance and offensiveness of the #BritishRoyalFamily continue to mushroom --- evicting Harry and Meagan from Frogmore and giving the home to known sexual abuser #PrinceAndrew is beyond comprehension.
#KingCharles is not going to be remembered well for this crap.
#britishroyalfamily #princeandrew #kingcharles #downwithmonarchy #uk
From June 12, last year. A supporter friend came for day visit at #FairyCreekBlockade - where I spent about a year(on & off) & brought me #newspaper w/front page of story about the Queen's statue being vandalized by Indigenous activists at #BritishColumbia #legislature . We'd been dealing w/the crown's #colonial #RCMP for months at resistance camps. #DownWithMonarchy #DefundRCMP #DownWithTheCrown
#FairyCreekBlockade #newspaper #britishcolumbia #legislature #colonial #rcmp #downwithmonarchy #defundrcmp #downwiththecrown
Complete #Royal #WasteOfMoney - #taxpayers monies to boot. 3 freaking days of PR poop. No refunds to citizens who never wanted the bloke or any of his relations here. What a crock of colonial crap.
#DownWithMonarchy #Decolonize #NotDownWithTheKing #NotMyKing #CancelRoyalty #FreeVacation #DumbDecision #OurGovernmentSucks
#royal #wasteofmoney #taxpayers #downwithmonarchy #decolonize #notdownwiththeking #notmyking #cancelroyalty #freevacation #dumbdecision #ourgovernmentsucks