Fani Willis asks court to protect jurors after doxing in Trump's Georgia case
#FaniWillis #GeorgiaCase #JurorProtection #TrumpGeorgiaCase #Doxing #CourtProtection #Politics #News
#FaniWillis #georgiacase #jurorprotection #trumpgeorgiacase #doxing #courtprotection #politics #news
#GeorgiaProsecutor Unleashes POWERFUL MOTION with Shocking REVELATION
#FultonCountyDA #FaniWillis in her new motion reveals that #RUSSIANS are behind the #doxing of jurors in their effort to wage a #disinformation campaign and using #MAGA to do it.
#georgiaprosecutor #fultoncountyda #faniwillis #russians #doxing #disinformation #maga
SchneieronSecurity: The Hacker Tool to Get Personal Data from Credit Bureaus #datacollection #lawenforcement #Uncategorized #cybercrime #finance #doxing
#datacollection #lawenforcement #uncategorized #cybercrime #finance #doxing
SchneieronSecurity: The Hacker Tool to Get Personal Data from Credit Bureaus #datacollection #lawenforcement #Uncategorized #cybercrime #finance #doxing
#datacollection #lawenforcement #uncategorized #cybercrime #finance #doxing
Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis seeks protections for Georgia jurors from doxing #TrumpIndictments #Georgia #georgiaindictment #GrandJury #jurors #Doxing #FaniWillis #FultonCounty #politicaliq #news #politics
#trumpindictments #georgia #georgiaindictment #grandjury #jurors #doxing #faniwillis #fultoncounty #politicaliq #News #politics
SchneieronSecurity: The Hacker Tool to Get Personal Data from Credit Bureaus #datacollection #lawenforcement #Uncategorized #cybercrime #finance #doxing
#datacollection #lawenforcement #uncategorized #cybercrime #finance #doxing
The Hacker Tool to Get Personal Data from Credit Bureaus #datacollection #lawenforcement #Uncategorized #cybercrime #finance #doxing
#datacollection #lawenforcement #Uncategorized #cybercrime #finance #doxing
SchneieronSecurity: The Hacker Tool to Get Personal Data from Credit Bureaus #datacollection #lawenforcement #Uncategorized #cybercrime #finance #doxing
#datacollection #lawenforcement #uncategorized #cybercrime #finance #doxing
Bin noch unsicher was ich hier rein schreiben kann und will. Bei Twitter wurde ich einige Male "enttarnt" und es hatte Auswirkungen auf mein privates Offline - Leben. Hmm... #doxing
#Illinois just made it possible to sue people for #doxxing attacks
It allows victims to recover damages and to request "a temporary restraining order, emergency order of protection, or preliminary or permanent injunction to restrain and prevent the disclosure or continued disclosure of a person's personally identifiable information or sensitive personal information."
#pii #privacy #doxing
#doxing #privacy #pii #doxxing #illinois
Illinois just made it possible to sue people for doxxing attacks - Enlarge (credit: gladder | iStock / Getty Images Plus)
Last Fr... - #personallyidentifiableinformation #congress #illinois #doxxing #midwest #policy #doxing #dox
#dox #doxing #policy #midwest #doxxing #illinois #congress #personallyidentifiableinformation
Ars Technica: Illinois just made it possible to sue people for doxxing attacks #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #personallyidentifiableinformation #congress #Illinois #doxxing #midwest #Policy #doxing #dox
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #personallyidentifiableinformation #congress #Illinois #doxxing #midwest #policy #doxing #dox
White Nationalists Sue Leftist Activist for IDing Them, Getting Them Fired
The five suing members allegedly had their tires slashed, were threatened at their homes, and lost their jobs.
READER NOTE: US Nazis have been thwarted in an attempt to assemble and detonate a dirty nuclear bomb on US soil.
#nazi #genocidal #sues #tears #doxing #tireslash #threats
Em apenas 24 horas, foram detetados mais de 200 'links' suspeitos na #Threads, incluindo possíveis golpes destinados a enganar seguidores da nova rede social e mensagens fraudulentas para roubar nomes de utilizadores e senhas.
#phishing #privacidade #doxing
#doxing #privacidade #Phishing #threads
DOGSING je praktika, kdy psi hledají osobní údaje jiných psů s cílem je poznat, pochopit nebo jen najít.
Termín pochází z anglického slova „dogs“ (psi) a označuje stopy, které ostatním unikly a které obsahují osobní údaje psů. Dogseři se jimi snaží své „oběti“ najít, poznat a pochopit. Dogsing je obzvláště vítaný, protože může mít reálné důsledky ve fyzickém světě – od přetahování, přes olizování až po fyzické zalehnutí.
#matylda #labrador #doxing
Gizmodo: Elon Musk, King of Censorship: 10 Times the 'Free Speech Absolutist' Silenced Twitter Users #december2022twittersuspensions #twitterunderelonmusk #receptayyiperdogan #viewsofelonmusk #freedomofspeech #shadowbanning #mattyglesias #narendramodi #taylorlorenz #receptayyip #truthsocial #drewharwell #johncusack #jackdorsey #adamschiff #elonmusk #substack #linakhan #twitter #elonjet #doxing #xcorp #meta
#december2022twittersuspensions #twitterunderelonmusk #receptayyiperdogan #viewsofelonmusk #freedomofspeech #shadowbanning #mattyglesias #narendramodi #taylorlorenz #receptayyip #truthsocial #drewharwell #johncusack #jackdorsey #adamschiff #elonmusk #substack #linakhan #twitter #elonjet #doxing #xcorp #meta
Na alle politici volgen ook alle media klakkeloos de lijn-Yeşilgöz over het politie-filmverbod
"... zo slecht als de wet is, zo slecht zijn ook de mediarapportages (of eigenlijk rapportage, enkelvoud)."
#Doxing #Antidoxingwet
#Criminalisering #Fascisme #RechtseOpiniemakers #Repressie
#repressie #rechtseopiniemakers #fascisme #criminalisering #antidoxingwet #doxing
De VVD is gonna Vvd, dat is toch geen nieuws meer te noemen, of het poppetje nou Yesilgöz of Rutte heet.
Wat wel volstrekt bizar is, is dat geen enkele linkse partij tegen dit wetsvoorstel in touw is gekomen.
Het is nu dus praktisch verboden om bijv politieagenten te filmen, terwijl we weten dat dat juist zo belangrijk kan zijn.
#politiegeweld #repressie #doxing
Hoe minister Yeşilgöz het filmen van politie-agenten praktisch verboden maakte
"Het is klaar. Unanieme instemming, geen piep vanuit de media. Geen grote woorden van politieke partijen. Geen vragen over het belang van het filmen van agenten. Simpele instemming, onder de radar.
De gevolgen zijn echter immens.”
#repressie #fascisme #criminalisering #doxing
#doxing in Nederland:
"Gebruik van persoonsgegevens met als doel intimidatie wordt strafbaar" @Rijksoverheid