I watched #Encanto the other day because it's in the hashtags of this video I came across: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpRJ0baDPme/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Keener ears than mine might have just recognized the music but I didn't (I've only listened to the song a million times since 1989 🙄) and wondered what possible subplot might result in this discussion of wigs.
The answer is: None at all.
(Apologies if you're more up to date on your memes than I am and know where this is going.)
It turns out there's a joke interview Dominic Monaghan did with Elijah Wood for #LordOfTheRings 💍 back in 2004: https://youtu.be/-xqEABqaEuo
And one of these brilliant kids on the TikTok realized it fit on #UnderTheSea from #TheLittleMermaid 🧜: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D0535JD1APIE
I finally understood all this an hour ago, and I'm still giggling
#encanto #lordoftherings #underthesea #TheLittleMermaid #meme #doyouwearwigs