We could stop rejecting statements like 'slavery was bad', just because they make us uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable is a great incentive; like pain, it spurs us to action.
We could do that. Maybe an increasing number will. But as long as this #Dozed ideology is infecting the public discourse, it'll be harder.
When I was still on #Twixt, a lot of people proclaimed their doubt of the findings of the #Jan6 Committee.
I would ask, "Which assertions do you dispute?"
As often as not, it was, "All of them."
"I then replied, "The date? The names of the witnesses? But no specific thing you contradict."
They would then hem and haw; you can always get a stubborn #MAGA to the hem and haw phase in two or three steps.
It really is some #FlatEarth shit.
#twixt #jan6 #maga #flatearth #elmo #twitter #X #WillfulIgnorance #dozed