#DIOLCH : a thousand #thanks to Rob Jones for dragging #DinasPowys #DP40s into existence and nurturing our over 40s babylads into a #football machine #HiDeHi
#diolch #thanks #DinasPowys #dp40s #football #hidehi #minniethemoocher
#selfinterest as in, am more likely to get a game if I have the power of #socialmedia on my side ! (here's hoping that the mighty #dp40s crew have not migrated to #mastodon yet! )
#mastodon #dp40s #socialmedia #selfinterest
This is probably the best place to point out that I can't see the tweets I do (on a voluntary if slightly self-interested basis) for #DinasPowys #football club on twitter ( on the #dp40s hashtag ) from one of my other accounts.
Weird / wierd (how do you spell #wierd #weird ? Popularity of those hashtags has probably already answered that for me )
#weird #wierd #dp40s #football #DinasPowys