A reminder that we still have a #DPC #digipres job vacancy open for a Preservation Registry Analyst. Just a couple of weeks left to apply for this one! https://www.dpconline.org/news/job-vacancies/dpc-preservation-registry-analyst
A reminder to #DPC members that there is still time to register for our event on documenting digital preservation next week. We'll be launching our new guide, hearing some case studies and having a bit of discussion on this (sometimes neglected) topic: https://www.dpconline.org/events/eventdetail/197/-/documenting-digital-preservation-a-workshop
At our #DPC event on persistent identifiers we are now hearing from @mpe who is talking from the perspective of Crossref and highlights the importance of #digipres for making persistent identifiers work effectively. https://www.dpconline.org/events/eventdetail/191/-/choosing-and-using-persistent-identifiers
At the #DPC today we celebrate the public launch for our new guidance note on Persistent Identifiers: http://doi.org/10.7207/twgn23-02 #digipres @general
There's a great chat planned this Friday (8 Sept) with the 🎻Irish Traditional Music Archive (ITMA) 🎻 addressing the preservation of audio formats!
#DPC members can sign up on https://www.dpconline.org/events/eventdetail/190/-/audio-visual-working-group-the-irish-traditional-music-archive
Anyone use #freed.ai or other #ai tools to complete #medical notes?
Even in the simpler #DPC model, taking notes is distracting while talking to patients and finishing notes later so that they are useful to others is a time consuming chore.
No relationship to freed.ai nor any other software, just hate this task and starting to read good things from colleagues online.
#primarycare #familymedicine
#internalmedicine #pediatrics #directprimarycare
#freed #ai #medical #dpc #primarycare #familymedicine #internalmedicine #pediatrics #directprimarycare
A couple of #DPC things now available to all:
Level up with DPC RAM - this resource includes loads of tips and links for helping you to improve maturity level with DPC RAM: https://www.dpconline.org/digipres/implement-digipres/dpc-ram/level-up
Defining the Designated Community - a short guidance note on a BIG #digipres topic: https://doi.org/10.7207/twgn23-01
ADESSO [28.08-02:30] Mappa RADAR #DPC #Italia
In corso precipitazioni (localmente anche intense) #pioggia #maltempo possibilità di #grandine e attività elettrica #fulmini (via Blitzortung)
Dicci dove sei e la situazione anche se ok (ovviamente se sei nell'area indicata e adesso)
Informazioni e aggiornamenti: https://www.emergenza24.org/italia-maltempo-agosto-2023/
#dpc #italia #pioggia #maltempo #grandine #fulmini
ADESSO [27.08-19:30] Mappa RADAR #DPC #Italia coinvolte diverse regioni e con particolare intensità la #Sardegna
In corso precipitazioni (localmente anche intense) #pioggia #maltempo possibilità di #grandine e attività elettrica #fulmini (via Blitzortung)
Dicci dove sei e la situazione anche se ok (ovviamente se sei nell'area indicata e adesso)
Informazioni e aggiornamenti: https://www.emergenza24.org/italia-maltempo-agosto-2023/
#dpc #italia #sardegna #pioggia #maltempo #grandine #fulmini
ADESSO [27.08-02:50] Mappa RADAR #DPC Nord #Italia #Lombardia #Trentino Alto Adige #TAA #Veneto #FriuliVeneziaGiulia #FVG
Perturbazione in spostamento verso est
In corso precipitazioni (localmente anche intense) #pioggia #maltempo possibilità di #grandine e attività elettrica #fulmini (via Blitzortung)
Dicci dove sei e la situazione anche se ok (ovviamente se sei nell'area indicata e adesso)
Informazioni e aggiornamenti: https://www.emergenza24.org/italia-maltempo-agosto-2023/
#dpc #italia #lombardia #trentino #taa #veneto #FriuliVeneziaGiulia #fvg #pioggia #maltempo #grandine #fulmini
@mpe We are really pleased to have you Martin! More info about the #DPC event here, for those who want to hear Martin (and others!) speak on the topic of persistent identifiers: https://www.dpconline.org/events/eventdetail/191/-/choosing-and-using-persistent-identifiers
@brittanytrang @STAT
5. There are now over 1000 #directprimarycare physicians with most starting new practices in the last ten years but the only article on @STAT is a negative opinion piece by an academic with mistaken assumptions and confusing #DPC with its more expensive cousin, #concierge care.
You can do better.
#directprimarycare #dpc #Concierge
@mutanthumb oh this looks like a really interesting article. I might even use it for a future #DPC #ReadingClub! Snappy title too! Thanks for sharing Susan!
2. A large proportion, if not most, of medical care is routine, non-urgent and potentially 'shoppable' but we prepay for it with the same mechanisms we use for ER visits and big inpatient stays causing great harm. It's like using auto insurance for oil changes or homeowner's to have the plumber fix the toilet.
Yes, I'm biased as a #directprimarycare doc but this realization was a big part of why I left #insurance paid practice eight years ago.
#directprimarycare #insurance #dpc #costsofcare
Just had a great discussion of the #DPC #ReadingClub on the topic of Curating for Accessibility after reading this article: http://www.ijdc.net/article/view/837. So much to think about here. Should we be modifying digital archives to make them more accessible? how do we record this?
Can anyone point to other resources relating to accessibility of digital archives as there seems to be little written on this...?
Big news from yesterday was the publication of a new #DPC Technology Watch Guidance Note on Choosing a Persistent Identifier for your Digital Objects by Remco van Veenendaal of the National Archives of the Netherlands. On DPC Member preview until 6th Sept: https://www.dpconline.org/news/twgn-choosing-a-persistent-identifier-type-member
There are apparently a couple of #directprimarycare or #dpc practices on two of the islands. None listed on Kauai but sometimes these maps and listings aren't up to date so it might be worth calling one listed to see if they have colleagues on your island now.
DPC is a simpler, more affordable way of making the $$ work in primary care (typically about 1/5 of your old doc's new price)
#directprimarycare #dpc #primarycare
@dsagentur wenn #datenschutzfreundlich wieder nur heißt "Personenbezug von Nutzungsdaten zu vermindern" ...
dann hat der #BayLfD wieder einmal Gespräche mit Microsoft geführt 🙄 (so, wie auch die #DPC #Irland immer wieder Gespräche mit #Meta führt 🤦), und #Microsoft freut sich, weil die Verantwortlichen im Begriff #Eigenverantwortung nur "es ist ja nicht verboten" herauslesen. 🤷
Für alle, die mehr Wert auf das Wort #Verantwortung legen, heißt es dagegen #Goodbye Micro$oft 🤯.
#goodbye #verantwortung #eigenverantwortung #microsoft #meta #irland #dpc #BayLfD #datenschutzfreundlich
Another reason I'm glad we left the insurance racket eight years ago.
#healthinsurance #MedMastodon #costsofcare #dpc #directprimarycare