RT @CoE_DigitalGov
Join us in celebrating #DataProtectionDay today 28 January 🎉
Read more about initiatives around the 🌐 and the statements issued by the Chair of #Convention108 Committee Elsa Mein and @coe #DataProtection Commissioner Jean-Philippe Walter
#dataprotectionday #convention108 #dataprotection #dpd2023
RT @CoE_DigitalGov
#Convention108 has been protecting you and your #data for over 40 years and will continue to do so for much longer 🌐
↘️ DYK that in 2018, the treaty was modernised to meet #privacy challenges in the #digital age?
Know more http://www.coe.int/dataprotection
#convention108 #data #privacy #digital #dataprotectionday #dpd2023
RT @CoE_DigitalGov
Happy #DataProtectionDay 🎉 Happy anniversary to #Convention108 🎂
#Onthisday in 1981, this groundbreaking Council of Europe treaty which has shaped #dataprotection in Europe and beyond, was opened for signature.
#dataprotectionday #convention108 #onthisday #dataprotection #dpd2023
RT @CoE_DigitalGov
Happy #DataProtectionDay 🎉 Happy anniversary to #Convention108 🎂
#Onthisday in 1981, this groundbreaking Council of Europe treaty which has shaped #dataprotection in Europe and beyond, was opened for signature.
#dataprotectionday #Convention108 #OnThisDay #dataprotection #dpd2023
RT @CoE_DigitalGov
#Convention108 has been protecting you and your #data for over 40 years and will continue to do so for much longer 🌐
↘️ DYK that in 2018, the treaty was modernised to meet #privacy challenges in the #digital age?
Know more http://www.coe.int/dataprotection
#Convention108 #data #privacy #digital #dataprotectionday #dpd2023
Heute ist Europäischer #Datenschutztag.
Ziel ist es, die Bürger Europas für den #Datenschutz zu sensibilisieren. Möchten auch Sie sich beteiligen und im Umfeld des Europäischen #Datenschutztags auf die Bedeutung von Datenschutz für die Gesellschaft hinweisen?
Unser europäischer Dachverband #EFDPO bietet dazu kostenfreie Banner für die Online-Kommunikation.
📢 Jetzt mitmachen und teilen: https://www.bvdnet.de/europaeischer-datenschutztag-2023-kostenloses-online-panel-und-social-media-grafiken-zum-download/
#datenschutztag #datenschutz #datenschutztags #efdpo #dataprivacyday #dpd2023
The EDPB is in the driving seat to make sure companies handle your data in a responsible manner. For further information on how the EEA DPAs work together to ensure your data protection rights are safeguarded, check out this handy leaflet: https://europa.eu/!jdqwvR
The EDPB is in the driving seat to make sure companies handle your data in a responsible manner. For further information on how the EEA DPAs work together to ensure your data protection rights are safeguarded, check out this handy leaflet: https://europa.eu/!jdqwvR
RT @CoE_DigitalGov
🆕Guidelines on national #digitalidentity, published today by the @coe Consultative Committee of #Convention108, encourage States to have a #humanrights-centered approach in the regulation and implementation of national schemes.
https://bit.ly/3R8rzGB #DataProtectionDay #DPD2023
#digitalidentity #Convention108 #humanrights #dataprotectionday #dpd2023
Datenschutztag 2023 - Seit 2007 jährlich um den 28. Januar – dem Datum, an dem 1981 die Europäische Datenschutzkonvention unterzeichnet wurde.
@bvd_datenschutz @efdpo
#dataprivacyday #dpd2023 #datenschutztag
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#datenschutztag #dpd2023 #dataprivacyday
Europäischer Datenschutz Tag 2023 👇
@bvd_datenschutz @efdpo
#dataprivacyday #dpd2023 #datenschutztag
31.01.2023: Is the European #health data space #EHDS failing due to #dataprotection rules? #DPD2023 #EAID #EU
#health #EHDS #Dataprotection #dpd2023 #eaid #eu