Luciano Violante: Costruire una “civilta digitale”, una condizione umana caratterizzata dall’autonomia dell’individuo dalla tecnologia e dal dominio dell’uomo sull’algoritmo #DPD23 #GarantePrivacy
Live streaming su http://gpdp.it
Pasquale Stanzione: La trasversalità e molteplicità delle esperienze e il volume delle informazioni che potranno generarsi nel #Metaverso determineranno una raccolta di dati personali non comparabile con quella del web, per quantità ma anche per qualità #GarantePrivacy #DPD23
#metaverso #Garanteprivacy #dpd23
RT @EU_EDPS@twitter.com
On 28/1, member states of @coe@twitter.com and EU institutions celebrate #DataProtectionDay. It marks the anniversary of @coe@twitter.com´s “#Convention108”, the first binding international law on individuals’ rights to the protection of their #personaldata.
Happy Data Protection Day! #DPD23
#dataprotectionday #convention108 #personaldata #dpd23
⚠️ È possibile portare all’attenzione del #GarantePrivacy eventuali violazioni della normativa in materia di protezione dei dati personali attraverso reclami e segnalazioni ➡️ https://www.garanteprivacy.it/home/diritti/come-agire-per-tutelare-i-tuoi-dati-personali
#DataProtectionDay #DPD23
#Garanteprivacy #dataprotectionday #dpd23
🇪🇺Happy #DataProtectionDay !
📅The date marks the anniversary of the Council of Europe’s (@coe) Convention 108 on the protection of personal information.🔒
➡️The purpose of the day, is to raise awareness and promote #privacy & #dataprotection.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CPVOTweets/status/1619251557974904834
#dataprotectionday #privacy #dataprotection #dpd23 #January28
On 28/1, member states of @coe and EU institutions celebrate #DataProtectionDay. It marks the anniversary of @coe´s “#Convention108”, the first binding international law on individuals’ rights to the protection of their #personaldata.
Happy Data Protection Day! #DPD23
#dataprotectionday #Convention108 #personaldata #dpd23
On 28/1, member states of @coe and EU institutions celebrate #DataProtectionDay. It marks the anniversary of @coe´s “#Convention108”, the first binding international law on individuals’ rights to the protection of their #personaldata.
Happy Data Protection Day! #DPD23
#dataprotectionday #convention108 #personaldata #dpd23
On 28/1, member states of @coe@twitter.com and EU institutions celebrate #DataProtectionDay. It marks the anniversary of @coe@twitter.com´s “#Convention108”, the first binding international law on individuals’ rights to the protection of their #personaldata.
Happy Data Protection Day! #DPD23
#dataprotectionday #Convention108 #PersonalData #dpd23
🗓️28 January is #DataProtectionDay!
On this day we celebrate historical & global efforts to put #privacy & #dataprotection at the centre of our lives. It's also an opportunity to look at what lies ahead of us. Watch video by @W_Wiewiorowski: https://tube.network.europa.eu/w/pUZnGX8NaRXXndkghhtaUh
Happy #DPD23!
#dataprotectionday #privacy #dataprotection #dpd23
🗓️28 January is #DataProtectionDay!
On this day we celebrate historical & global efforts to put #privacy & #dataprotection at the centre of our lives. It's also an opportunity to look at what lies ahead of us. Watch video by @W_Wiewiorowski@twitter.com: https://tube.network.europa.eu/w/pUZnGX8NaRXXndkghhtaUh
Happy #DPD23!
#dataprotectionday #privacy #dataprotection #dpd23
#EDPS Director @cerveranavas@twitter.com delivers an online keynote speech at the "Privacy by Design Conference 2023" organised by @pbdlab@twitter.com & moderated by @kuriharan@twitter.com. The conference aims to celebrate #DataProtectionDay in Japan 🇯🇵 and increase #privacy awareness https://privacybydesign.jp/category/event/ #DPD23
#EDPS #dataprotectionday #privacy #dpd23
RT @EU_EDPS: All EU institutions process personal data in their daily work. Under #EU #dataprotection law, when your #personaldata is being processed, you are entitled to a certain number of rights. Check our factsheet to learn more: https://edps.europa.eu/system/files/2022-01/22-01-21_infographic_dataproday22_en.pdf #DataProtectionDay #DPD23
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Technology/status/1618605002611908608
#EU #dataprotection #PersonalData #dataprotectionday #dpd23
All EU institutions process personal data in their daily work. Under #EU #dataprotection law, when your #personaldata is being processed, you are entitled to a certain number of rights. Check our factsheet to learn more: https://europa.eu/!mR7TRj #DataProtectionDay #DPD23
#EU #dataprotection #PersonalData #dataprotectionday #dpd23