I will be speaking about Developer Productivity in Madrid next week! I'll also have some books to give away.
#DPE #Developers #DeveloperProductivity #DeveloperExperience
#dpe #developers #developerproductivity #developerexperience
🔥 Happening right now: London Java Community Live with Trisha Gee. Trisha is sharing some of her favourite solutions to boost developer productivity and enhance developer experience.
Many thanks to Codurance, Gradle Inc. and RecWorks Ltd for making it happen.
#developerproductivity #developerexperience #dpe #meetup
In April I gave a talk at DevOps Days in Birmingham, AL, USA entitled "How Platform Engineering Works". In it, I shared the lessons I have learned during my first year doing Platform Engineering at Sotheby's. I've adapted the talk into this blog post: https://chadxz.dev/platform
My hope is that our lessons learned can help add some color to what Platform Engineering looks like day-to-day.
@devopsdaysbham #devops #platformengineering #devex #dpe #sre #softwareengineering
#devops #platformengineering #devex #dpe #sre #softwareengineering
🎉 First talk of #devopsdaysbham2023! Our 4/20 keynote with Justin Reock, Field CTO & Chief Evangelist at @Gradle, takes us from ancient Greece to modern Developer Productivity Engineering. His talk "DevOps, 12-Factor, & Open Source" lays the groundwork for devops understanding. Watch now! ➡️ https://youtu.be/nsGFg0Hutoo #devopsdays #dpe #developerproductivity #operations #history
#devopsdaysbham2023 #devopsdays #dpe #developerproductivity #operations #history
Spend my evening off with #UtrechtJUG to learn about #DPE by @TrishaGee and #BootifulSpringBoot by @starbuxman.
Great new stuff to look into: #gradle build caching, #graphql, #micrometer.
#utrechtjug #dpe #bootifulspringboot #gradle #graphql #Micrometer
When I see (mostly non-IT people) do something with a computer, I often ask myself why they chose this very unproductive way to do this? 🤔
Then again - I have no good answer why we "professionals" wait for builds to complete ... ⌛️
Let's talk about developer productivity! 🚀
RT @XDEVSoftware
.@RichardFichtner and @vincentmayers will join forces at #JavaLand 2023🎢 talking about Developer Productivity Engineering! #DPE focuses on t…
📣 Our upcoming workshops and trainings this week!
2/27 - Intro to #DPE Workshop: https://gradle.com/training/intro-to-dpe-workshop-4/?time=1677456000
2/28 - #JVM Builds with Gradle Build Tool - EMEA: https://gradle.com/training/jvm-builds-with-gradle-build-tool-5/?time=1676937600&time=1677542400
3/1 - JVM Builds with #Gradle Build Tool: https://gradle.com/training/jvm-builds-with-gradle-build-tool-6/?time=1677628800
⚡️ RTE possède plusieurs centaines de logements pour ses salariés en France. Mais, à l'heure de la sobriété énergétique, un tiers d'entre eux sont des passoires thermiques, dévoile @CalvezLeo.
#dpe #immobilier #energie #renovation #electricite
Need a #productivity boost? Next week we got new workshops and trainings to help you become a productivity machine! #Java #Gradle #Maven #Bazel #Android
2/14 - Gradle Build #Cache Deep Dive: https://gradle.com/training/gradle-build-cache-deep-dive-3/?time=1676332800
2/15 - Gradle Build Cache Deep Dive - EMEA: https://gradle.com/training/gradle-build-cache-deep-dive-emea/?time=1676419200
2/16 - Intro to #DPE Workshop: https://gradle.com/training/intro-to-dpe-workshop-2/?time=1676505600https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=644077451052547&set=a.528530279273932&type=3
#productivity #java #gradle #maven #bazel #android #cache #dpe
#GradleEnterprise #TestDistribution saves time by intelligently distributing tests to #remote agents. But not every test is easy to distribute. Learn how #Gradle's #DPE team deals with common obstacles - https://gradle.com/blog/dogfooding-test-distribution-for-maximum-effect-at-gradle/
#gradleenterprise #testdistribution #remote #gradle #dpe
Step into the life of a Google #DPE engineer with Simona Bateman's #DPESummit 2022 session! Watch “#FlakyTests & #BinaryRepositories: A Year in the Life of a Google DPE Engineer” now - https://dpesummit.com/flaky-tests-and-binary-repositories/https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=630405715753054&set=a.528530279273932&type=3
#dpe #dpesummit #flakytests #binaryrepositories
Ready to level up your #DeveloperProductivityEngineering skills? Check out our upcoming schedule and start learning 📕
1/24 Intro to #DPE - https://gradle.com/training/intro-to-dpe-workshop/?time=1674518400
1/25 #DevProdEngLowdown: The #JetBrains #Kotlin Compiler Team’s Developer Productivity Wins - https://gradle.com/training/next-devprodeng-lowdown-the-jetbrains-kotlin-compiler-teams-developer-productivity-wins/?time=1674604800
1/26 Configuring #Gradle Build Tool with Kotlin - https://gradle.com/training/configuring-gradle-build-tool-with-kotlin-2/?time=1674691200https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=626907202769572&set=a.528530279273932&type=3
#DeveloperProductivityEngineering #dpe #devprodenglowdown #jetbrains #kotlin #gradle
Rénovation énergique est un casse-tête pour les bailleurs sociaux, plus 1.8 millions logements HLM devront être rénovés, ce qui représente une dépense de 25000 à 35000 euros par logement. Qui va payer ? le nouveau diagnostique énergétique rendrait 50 % des logements sociaux en Franche-Comté et Bourgogne à rénover, avec l'ancien, c'était 24 %. https://www.lemoniteur.fr/article/les-bailleurs-sociaux-au-pied-du-mur.2188112 #dpe #logement #ecologie #energie #EnergyTransition
#dpe #logement #ecologie #Energie #EnergyTransition
Many of the most elite technology brands, like #Apple, #Google and #Microsoft, are prioritizing #DeveloperProductivityEngineering. But now it's proliferating in other industries, including financial services, led by top-tier commercial banks.
What's driving interest in #DPE? Recently in #Forbes, #Gradle CEO Hans Dockter discusses the most likely drivers for DPE: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/12/08/an-it-executive-introduction-to-developer-productivity-engineering/?sh=2f9bfd6c72ab
#apple #google #microsoft #DeveloperProductivityEngineering #dpe #forbes #gradle
Many of the most elite technology brands, like #Apple, #Google and #Microsoft, are prioritizing #DeveloperProductivityEngineering. But now it's proliferating in other industries, including financial services, led by top-tier commercial banks.
What's driving interest in #DPE? Recently in #Forbes, #Gradle CEO Hans Dockter discusses the most likely drivers for DPE:
#apple #google #microsoft #DeveloperProductivityEngineering #dpe #forbes #gradle
Developer Productivity Engineering #DPE focuses on improving #DevProd & #DevEx. Many elite tech brands have adopted it like #Apple, #Google & #Microsoft. Now it’s proliferating in other industries. Recently in @Forbes, CEO @hans_d discusses DPE drivers: https://t.co/wveOoJhIeE
#dpe #devprod #devex #apple #google #microsoft
Developer Productivity Engineering #DPE focuses on improving #DevProd & #DevEx. Many elite tech brands have adopted it like #Apple, #Google & #Microsoft. Now it’s proliferating in other industries. Recently in Forbes, CEO Hans Dockter discusses DPE drivers: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/12/08/an-it-executive-introduction-to-developer-productivity-engineering/?sh=2f9bfd6c72ab
#dpe #devprod #devex #apple #google #microsoft
RT @ludovicf_off@twitter.com
Tout simplement parce que c’est l’une des capitales la plus propre …
Merci le service de propreté #DPE
Oups !!! Les #rageux du balai … 😭 https://twitter.com/bfmparis/status/1587502107191660545
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ludovicf_off/status/1587511025363984386
Diagnostics de performance énergétiqueDu grand n’importe quoi, encore et toujours - https://www.quechoisir.org/action-ufc-que-choisir-diagnostics-de-performance-energetique-du-grand-n-importe-quoi-encore-et-toujours-n103144/
> 5 ans après sa dernière enquête sur le sujet, et un an après qu’il a été réformé, l’UFC-Que Choisir publie les résultats d’une nouvelle enquête accablante sur la qualité des diagnostics de performance énergétique (DPE) des logements.