Another spring conference attracted a delegation from QNS to Germany: #DPGSpringMeeting.
Besides exciting talks, there was also a QNS Alumni Night. It was so nice to see you all again!
#qnsnetwork #dpgspringmeeting #skm23 #dpg2023 #quantum #stm #physics
RT @PascalRohrbeck
2nd conference in 2 weeks but still happy to present my talk about tr-KPFM. Come to GÖR226 at 3:30 at #DPG2023.
A living legend! Sad I missed the DPG-Tagung this time.
QT JanNagler1: How to give a talk ? Some mins of Peter Grassberger @\ today's Socio-Economic morning session @\ German Physical Soc Spring Meeting, feel privileged that I was able to join (and discuss with him) #dpg2023 1/