Motherboard · @Motherboard
308 followers · 485 posts · Server

In response to Amazon’s shuttering of the bedrock digital photography community, developers are taking steps to protect the crowdsourced data and revive the community on brand new websites like DPRevied.

#internetarchive #archiving #dpreview #dprevived #Amazon #archiveteam #worldnews

Last updated 2 years ago

JohnMoyer · @johnmoyer
14 followers · 112 posts · Server

I restarted my name server to clear the cache and it is working now. My guess is that the problem was a long cache time.

I was a software engineer and did not work for IT. When changing a web server to a different IP address, I have in the past set very short cache times. If one does not do ones own name service, it may be impossible.

I still run my own web server, email server, and domain name server because of reluctance to change.


Last updated 2 years ago