Here's the thing about #drabbles and microfiction: tweak tweak tweak tweak tweak tweak tweak tweak tweak tweak tweak tweak tweak ...
I've written six #FanFiction #Drabbles in one week for a sapphic summer exchange! Partly that's because the prompts are top tier, but I also think #MicroFiction and #FlashFiction might just jive very well with my brain. There's something about the forced word count constraints and relatively low stakes that really gets my muse going.
I wonder if I could hack my brain by treating each scene of my longform fiction like a microfic challenge? #AmWriting #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #amwriting #flashfiction #microfiction #drabbles #fanfiction
Hello #WritingCommunity !
I’m looking for magazines that publish #MicroFiction, #Drabbles, & #50WordFiction in the genres of #ScienceFiction, #Fantasy, & #Horror.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. And, if you could, please boost.
#horror #fantasy #sciencefiction #50wordfiction #drabbles #microfiction #writingcommunity
Teeny story alert! My drabble "Pamplona," which is not set in Spain, is live in The Cosmic Background! Illustrated by Niv Sekar! @shortsff @shortstory #ScienceFiction #ShortStories #drabbles
#sciencefiction #shortstories #drabbles
Issue 8 of MARTIAN, the magazine for #ScienceFiction #drabbles, is out! 🚀
I thought the issue wasn't released on time when I couldn't find it in searches.
You don't need to search. A link to retailers is below.
My 100-word story is in this. "Sighting of Siren" will later be free on the website
Dear #WritingCommunity
Today, two of my #drabbles were published together with other #scifi #horror #MicroFiction by a bunch of amazing writers in the Dark Stars #anthology
You can read my #stories on my #blog and support my publisher by getting a copy of the #book :blobfoxsignthx:
#writingcommunity #drabbles #scifi #horror #microfiction #anthology #stories #blog #book
Your next collection of #SciFi #Horror #Drabbles shamble ever closer...
"Dark Stars: Sci-fi Horror Drabbles" is available for pre-order on Amazon right now!
I've got three stories in this anthology collection that should not sit well with a reader.
Dear #WritingCommunity,
I am excited (:ablobcatgooglymlemjumping:) to announce that the anthology “Dark Stars” containing two #drabbles (#MicroFiction of exactly 100 words) is coming out soon. The #book also contains #FlashFiction from many other talented authors.
You can pre-order it here:
#writingcommunity #drabbles #microfiction #book #flashfiction
Patreon shorts for this month are up. This time I'm pumping out two drabbles I wrote recently. #fiction #shortfiction #shortstories #drabbles
#fiction #shortfiction #shortstories #drabbles
K.A. Honeywell's lovely story, "Companion," co-won Stupefying Fictions' #drabble contest along with my story, "Another Leg".
Go read it!
#Drabbles like this show how much can be done in so few words.
You like #drabbles? Stories you can read in about 20 seconds?
Martian Magazine has their Year 3 Kickstart rollin' and its already hit the baseline 1/week goal. Let's make it 2 per, and then go for some anthologies.
#IBackedItBecause I like microfiction that will kick you in the head. Or make you think...or smile...or cry.
Fundstück von meiner Festplatte. Zur Erklärung: #Drabbles sind kurze Texte, die nicht mehr als 100 Wörter haben dürfen. #Drabble Feder Satt und zufrieden schloss es die Augen und schlief augenblicklich ein. So neu und einzigartig waren die vergangenen Stunden gewesen, aber auch anstrengend und erschöpfend. Es war gar nicht lange her, dass es aus dem Ei gepurzelt war und die flauschigen Federchen noch nass und verklebt an seinem Körper anlagen. (1/2) #Drabble
:ad: Dear #WritingCommunity,
My publisher, Shacklebound Books Year 2 – Publisher of Flash Fiction Anthologies is still looking for funding on #kickstarter :blobfoxsignthx:
Please consider giving this a #boost :boost_requested:
#writingcommunity #kickstarter #boost #drabble #drabbles #flashfiction #anthology #anthologies
Shacklebound Books Year 2 is 1/3 of the way to its $3,000 goal.
I #BackedItBecause: #Drabbles! #FlashFiction! Dozens of authors and stories!
There are many hundreds of words waiting for you, let's kick it up a notch!
#backeditbecause #drabbles #flashfiction
'effin disaster porn voyeurs from the future...
"On the Metal Rain, Over Germany, 1944" by James Van Pelt in Martian Magazine. #Drabbles
Y'all need more 100 word stories--#Drabbles-- in your life!
Martian: The Magazine of Science Fiction Drabbles needs YOUR support!
Kick 'em a few bucks, why doncha?!
I made a conscious effort to write and submit #drabbles (exactly 100 word stories) this year. Here's my stats:
- Completed: 56
- Sold: 15
+ Martian: 5
+ Shacklebound: 5
+ Worlds of Possibility: 2
+ Contest win/place: 2
+ Sylvia: 1
- Published: 11
Twas a good year for drabbles!
All my stories:
I have a few stories I'm looking forward to sharing with readers in 2023.
Reprints in:
Bullet Points -
Martian: Year Two -
New stories in:
Underland Arcana -
Bicycles & Broomsticks -
Darkness Blooms -
#forthcoming #ShortStory #ShortFiction #drabbles #FlashFiction #ScienceFiction #MilSF #Horror #Fantasy
#forthcoming #shortstory #shortfiction #drabbles #flashfiction #sciencefiction #milsf #horror #fantasy