Light of Hekate :verified420: · @hekate
86 followers · 37 posts · Server

How did you meet the first deity that approached you? If you approached your first deity, how did it go? I want to hear your stories!!!

Archangel Gabriel was always around, but I don’t remember when he started popping up. He came around with Archangel Michael, both telling me it was for my protection. During this time is when I had the most paranormal experiences.

Lilith, however, was different.

I wanted to work with Artemis. She’d come from time to time with messages like a few other deities did, but she never seemed to want to work with me so I ended up giving up on looking for a deity and focused on studying.

I started reading up on draconic witchcraft and soon after, read a bit about Lilith within some of those books. Small signs started popping up and I had a feeling it was her, but back then, I did not trust my intuition. After the subtle signs and my increasing confusion, I said outright; “listen,
I’m a fucking idiot and am blind. If you’re Lilith and you’re trying to tell me you’re here, you’re going to have to be bluntly obvious.

The following week, I got hit with her name several times and even…. Literally… got hit in the face with one. I didn’t mean that obvious, but it worked and when I finally figured it out, we talked and I have been working with her since as my Matron.


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Last updated 2 years ago