Drama movies released in 2014…pick your favorite.
#thetheoryofeverything #draftday #killthemessenger #Serena #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #dramamovies
Basketball talent found
Each team searches for the best pick
In the twenty-three draft
#2023nbadraft #nba #draftday #haiku #poetry
#2023nbadraft #nba #draftday #haiku #poetry
This note was found in Mike Tomlin’s pocket #NFLDraft #HereWeGo
#DraftDay https://t.co/agGh9H9dz9
Ok sports fans, pick one.
#moneyball #draftday #bulldurham #Hoosiers #cinemastodon #filmastodon #movies #cinema
Yeah, I couldn't resist the urge to complete one of these #7FilmsToKnowMe thingies. So, in no particular order:
#RogueOne: A #StarWars Story
#7filmstoknowme #starwars #movies #searching #theaccountant #draftday #rogueone #adogspurpose #interstellar #TheArtOfRacingInTheRain
NFL Tackles Cybersecurity Concerns Ahead of 2020 Draft Day - Researchers weigh in on potential security concerns surrounding the 2020 NFL Draft. more: https://threatpost.com/nfl-tackles-cybersecurity-2020-draft-day/155004/ #cybersecurityconcerns #vulnerabilities #mobilesecurity #microsoftteams #cloudsecurity #websecurity #coronavirus #draftpicks #2020draft #covid-19 #draftday #virtual #hacks #zoom #nfl
#nfl #zoom #hacks #virtual #draftday #covid #2020draft #draftpicks #coronavirus #websecurity #cloudsecurity #microsoftteams #mobilesecurity #vulnerabilities #cybersecurityconcerns