Later this month, I will attend Cohort 10 of Action-Powered Productivity. The course is tool-agnostic. The attendees and alumni use #PKM tools like #Tana, #Obsidian, and #Logseq, and no one has only a single tool in their toolbox (so you'll see #DEVONthink, #Todoist, #Drafts, and many others). I have attended cohorts in the past, including the very first one, back when everyone was using #Roam, and I always get a lot out of it.
It would be great to see you there!
#pkm #tana #obsidian #logseq #devonthink #todoist #drafts #roam
Do you use @drafts to post to I’ve updated the Drafts Action so it now automatically formats frontmatter using Drafts’ Templates syntax.
Read the blog post:
Thank you to @maique and @podiboq for their work making Drafts actions for - I’d have never figured out the API without them.
#weblog #omglol #drafts #markdown
@Calixthe @obsidian @obsidianmd @logseq @drafts @typora @iA
Thanks for the upvote!
Although I’d very much like to see it happen, #iA Writer will probably never have live preview (@reichenstein personally dislikes it), but I’m still hoping for a toggle to make the markdown characters light gray so they don’t fight with the text.
If you know how to turn on live preview in #Drafts, please let me know. I don’t see it in the settings.
On today’s Process Muse, we’re talking about draft numbering. Add your thoughts!
#Writing #WritingCommunity #author #Process #Drafts #Numbering
#writing #writingcommunity #author #process #drafts #numbering
I’m sure I had figured this out at some point, but: thinking out loud on #Drafts workflow for working on a manuscript or writing project (a list of considerations and ingredients to assemble):
A manuscript/project workspace
An “index” or outline draft; this would serve both as a table of contents AND as a basis for compiling a complete document; this would also allow for resequencing. You can decide how “atomic” you want your sections ...
@ellane @jslr I agree—better to have too many backups than not enough!
#Drafts really is in its own class; AFAIK there’s nothing else like it on any platform. I’m surprised no one has tried to create something similar that’s #opensource and/or cross-platform. #Markor on Android dips a toe in the water, but just barely.
I've been #writing a massively long article in #Drafts on my #iPad while on a 10-hour #train ride, much of which is through countryside. It's pretty, but there's no phone coverage and no hotspot, and therefore no cloud backups of my work in progress.
Solution: I'm regularly copying my work and pasting it into a new Drafts doc, Apple Notes and Notability. As long as my iPad survives, my work is unlikely to be lost to a #glitch in any single app.
#writing #drafts #ipad #train #glitch #backup #sync
Just installed #Drafts on the work MacBook for the first time. Was wondering whether it’s able to replace Stickier for me (post-it note style). Rightclicked on one of my drafts and opened in new window. So far so good. Quit Drafts. Reopen it and the previously opened-in-separate-window draft did not automatically open in a separate window. Wonder if there’s a way to do this, so that when app is initially opened it can open multiple note windows. And whether a separate window can be collapsed/rolled up into its titlebar only. @agiletortoise
@ianlhayes @Colman @markmcelroy @kepano @obsidianmd The #Drafts quick capture window on macOS is a killer feature, too. By default Cmd-Shift-2 bring it up system-wide, and Esc dismisses it.
@neekubee MacOS (primary), iOS, linux (my old macs all run linux, and of course my servers). #ObsidanMD #drafts #omnifocus #hookmark #fantastical #devonTHINK #soulver #calca #numbers #1password #MindNode #Omnivore #vim #vscode #iTerm2 #screen #mutt #timery #shortcuts #cardhop #paste #magnet #moom #switchglass #iStatMenus #bartender #pcalc
#obsidanmd #drafts #hookmark #omnifocus #fantastical #devonthink #soulver #calca #numbers #1password #mindnode #omnivore #vim #vscode #iterm2 #screen #mutt #timery #shortcuts #cardhop #paste #magnet #moom #switchglass #istatmenus #bartender #pcalc
A comprehensive look from a blindness perspective at the powerful @drafts app for Apple operating systems – Living Blindfully #Drafts #Accessibility #Podcasts #Podcast
#drafts #accessibility #podcasts #podcast
One great use of the #Drafts app for iOS. At our center, each day, we have morning briefing. We also connect via zoom for those staff/students who may be virtual for whatever reason. As part of the process, I have to grab a sharing code from the host computer in order to pare the client computer for hosting morning briefing. So, I grab the code, and I have created an action which will automatically email me the code, so that I do not have to remember it long enough to type it. Before drafts, I would write it down, then go through it character by character and type it in the client computer. Now, I email myself, then copy/paste. couldn't be better!!! #GetDrafts
This year feels like the first year I am 100% done with fireworks.
#Drafts. Felt like saying this last week w/4th of July but meh it's popular to hate on fireworks. Honestly though, interest when younger was way higher and piqued back then and steadily over time has eroded.
Especially now where this country is such a fucking disgrace. I don't feel any pride after realizing/learning all the awful shit we've done to natives (well, a LOT of people really) etc.
@agiletortoise queued. Looking forward to this one. #accessibility #apple #iOS #macOS #IndieApps #drafts
#drafts #indieapps #macos #ios #apple #accessibility
J'ai fait un peu de ménage numérique.
Parfois, sous le pseudo scripts4drafts, je publie sur le site de Drafts:
les scripts que j'écris pour mon usage personnel sur Drafts. Je les avais rassemblés sur un vieux site hebergé à la va-vite sur Notion.
Je les ai déplacés dans mon carnet:
que j'utiliserai à l'avenir à cet effet.
#drafts #scripts #javascript #MonCarnet
# Как я пользуюсь Draft
Когда я переезжал из twitter, меня @am1no спросил, как я пользуюсь Drafts, потому что я оставил там ему комментарий. Решил, что нужно рассказать тут. #Drafts
## Drafts как дневник
Первое использование – это замена дневника. Каждый год я метаюсь между цифровым и аналоговым дневником, чтобы определиться, что я вообще хочу и как мне удобно этим пользоваться. И каждый год я пробую что-то новое.
В этот раз я подсел на Drafts, потому что тут есть удобные экшены, которые позволяют мне автоматизировать часть действий, которые я совершаю. Например: Я автоматически проставляю временные штампы для своих дневных записей и сразу отправляю их в Obsidian на хранение. Так же делаю утренние и вечерние заметки по шаблону. Тем самым, я уменьшаю это метафорическое трение в процессе написания заметок и опустошением своей головы от мыслей. Кому-то нужно обратное, мне больше нравится такое.
Для кого-то наличие дополнительных препятствий при работе [1/3]