#PartThree of #Several...
And then, I #PlayedItAgain and #Again
#DragonAge2 enjoyed a #SimilarDynamic...
By #DragonAgeInquisition; I just couldn't #GiveAFuck - the only #Bloke I #Fancied was #Straight and I couldn't #TurnHim to #TheDarkSide... | #Booo
#TrueStory based on #UnrealEvents
#partthree #several #playeditagain #again #dragonage2 #similardynamic #dragonageinquisition #giveafuck #bloke #fancied #straight #turnhim #thedarkside #booo #truestory #unrealevents
#PartThree of #Several...
And then I #PlayedItAgain and #Again
#DragonAge2 enjoyed a #SimilarDynamic...
By #DragonAgeInquisition; I just couldn't #GiveAFuck - the only #Bloke I #Fancied was #Straight and I couldn't #TurnHim to #TheDarkSide... | #Booo
#TrueStory based on #UnrealEvents
#partthree #several #playeditagain #again #dragonage2 #similardynamic #dragonageinquisition #giveafuck #bloke #fancied #straight #turnhim #thedarkside #booo #truestory #unrealevents
I was thinking about #DragonAge2 today and how as a DM I have to admire how BioWare punches you right in the gut once you realize after he blows up the Chantry that you helped him do it.
I talking about how DA:I didn't seem to really get across why we should care about what is happening in Thedas but after Anders does that you realize he made you an accessory to building a bomb.
I just remember talking to my roommate and he said after that happened he was like "You motherfucker, you're dead."
Finding your beau on the festival area
#GarrettHawke #Anders #DragonAge #DragonAge2 #ModernAU #Handers
#garretthawke #anders #dragonage #dragonage2 #modernau #handers
Episode 7 of Andraste's Gadfly, the Dragon Age and Philosophy podcast, is out!!
@britt some folks on your server might be interested in checking out our little podcast.
#dragonage #dragonage2 #dragonageinquisition #philosophy
#DragonAge2 finished! I've enjoyed the story a lot, and despite its flaws (I mean, the game only took a year and a half to be developed and it shows in several aspects) it's been a really fun experience. Also, when you approach the grand finale and Things Happen ™, I suddenly realised how invested I was in the characters, because all the hard choices suddenly mattered a lot!
Really looking forward to starting Inquisition 😀
#DragonAgeInquisition Character Promotion Images #Bioware @bioware @dragonage #TheIronBull #DragonAgeDreadwolf #DA4 #dragonage2 #DragonAgeOrigins #MirroredArt #PassItOn
#dragonageinquisition #bioware #theironbull #dragonagedreadwolf #da4 #dragonage2 #dragonageorigins #mirroredart #passiton
Playing #DragonAge2. The combat is not particularly exciting (it's not worse than the one in Origins, so there's that at least), but the writing is just SO brilliant. Last night I completed the companion mission for Aveline where she is trying to ask this other guy out and I think I haven't laughed so much with a videogame in a very long time 🤣
Powering through #dragonage2 for the finale before some #plateup later tonight! Been loving this game so far and can't wait to play #dragonageinquistion! Let's go #gaming!
#gaming #dragonageinquistion #PlateUp #dragonage2
Hey there #gaming mastodon! The plan has changed, instead of the previously intended stream, let's play some more #dragonage2 I've been loving the #dragonage series so far, can't wait to give #inquisition a go!
#inquisition #dragonage #dragonage2 #gaming
It is Wednesday my dudes! Let's continue running through Dragon Age 2! Having a great time with it and can't wait to see what Inquisition holds in store!
#gaming #dragonage2 #dragonage
#dragonageinquisition angefangen und dann beschlossen erstmal die Vorgänger zu spielen.
Ich halt 😆
#dragonageinquisition #dragonageorigins #dragonage2
Hablemos de la cultura de Ferelden
Los fereldenos son un enigma. Como pueblo, solo falta que tengan un mal día para vuelvan a la barbarie. Han rechazado invasiones de Tevinter durante toda la historia del Imperio con nada más que perros y su obstinada voluntad. Son el pueblo basto, voluntarioso, sucio y desorganizado que, de algún modo, encumbraron a nuestra profetisa, marcando el inicio de una era de las luces, y pusieron en jaque al mayor imperio de la historia.
Hay pocas cosas que podáis presumir con seguridad a la hora de tratar con ellos: primero, que valoran la lealtad por encima de todo, por encima de la riqueza, por encima del poder, por encima de la razón.
--Emperatriz Celene I de Orlais, en una carta a su nuevo embajador en Denerim
#dragonage #dragonage2 #dragonageinquisiton
Haven't played in a while and I'm thinking romance with Anders, then side with the templars at the end. It would probably be my most evil DA character.
#DragonAge #DragonAge2
Dragon Age 2 真正体现了什么叫 I played it so you don’t have to。一无是处,流程推完之后写个长测评吧
draw them again and again ♥
#dragonage #da2 #hawke #fenris #fenhawke #dragonage2 #drawing #fanart
#dragonage #da2 #hawke #fenris #fenhawke #dragonage2 #drawing #fanart