Appena terminata la seconda #run di #MassEffect #Andromeda #andromedainitiative ed ovviamente non so a cosa #giocare. Ho lì #DragonAgeOrigins che mi strizza l’occhio, ma anche #Fable ammicca a più non posso… che odio
#run #masseffect #andromeda #andromedainitiative #giocare #dragonageorigins #Fable
Finishing MOON LOVERS: SCARLET HEART RYEO has got me wondering again if Bhelen Aeducan of #DragonAgeOrigins is based on Emperor Gwangjong of Goryeo. They were bloody tyrants for the aristocratic classes of their realms (including members of their own families!) and at the same time reformist champions of the lower classes.
They also strengthened and stabilized their respective kingdoms, which…honestly, only someone willing to put the boot in the nobles could have done. #kdrama #kdramas
#dragonageorigins #kdrama #kdramas
#DragonAgeOrigins walked so #BaldursGate3 could dash
#dragonageorigins #baldursgate3
(No particular order)
- #MetalGearSolid 2
- #PokemonCrystal
- #TombRaider
- #FutureCopLAPD
- #Fallout 2
- #CitiesSkylines
- #Battlefield1942
- #DragonAgeOrigins
- #RocketLeague
- #TransportTycoon Deluxe / #OpenTTD
#10gamestoknowme #metalgearsolid #pokemoncrystal #tombraider #futurecoplapd #fallout #citiesskylines #battlefield1942 #dragonageorigins #rocketleague #transporttycoon #openttd
#DragonAgeORigins was super unstable today, but we managed to power through! Thanks SetsunaWolf and RenaloEmberHeart for the raids, and everyone for joining! We sent the love over to TheArcadeCastle for some Slain: Back From Hell. See you all tomorrow!
#DragonAgeORigins was super unstable today, but we managed to power through! Thanks
SetsunaWolf and RenaloEmberHeart for the raids, and everyone for joining! We sent the love over to TheArcadeCastle for some Slain: Back From Hell. See you all tomorrow!
During the week I work on commissions (in this case remaking ones lost in the mail), but on the weekends I work on samples of new characters. Next weekend I hope to finish a new #DragonAgeOrigins character!
#DragonAge #DragonAgeOrigins
A crisscross fade
You know that’s Haven right…
The hidden art inside the art has been around awhile 🎨
#DragonAgeOrigins durchgespielt. Gleiches trauriges Ende gehabt, wie beim ersten Mal. Soooo gutes Spiel.
#dragonageorigins #game #zocken #rpg
#DragonAgeInquisition Character Promotion Images #Bioware @bioware @dragonage #TheIronBull #DragonAgeDreadwolf #DA4 #dragonage2 #DragonAgeOrigins #MirroredArt #PassItOn
#dragonageinquisition #bioware #theironbull #dragonagedreadwolf #da4 #dragonage2 #dragonageorigins #mirroredart #passiton
I've been playing #DragonAgeOrigins for a while now. It took some time to get things really going, but the more I play it, the more I'm getting into the whole story. I may even read the codex at some point!
As for my character, allow me to introduce you to Biggs, my warrior dwarf.
Made some more progress on #DragonAgeOrigins. I got my first ally in my battle against the darkspawn, and I'm closer to the second now.
The game is nice but, at the same time, feels quite a bit... unpolished. Some transitions are quite blunt, (melee) combat is uninspired... Still, it's been a nice experience so far.
I finally finished #Persona5Royal! It's been 120 hours of adventures with the Phantom Thieves (I started the game on 20 January!!!), and I'm very satisfied with the experience.
Now it's time for #DragonAgeOrigins
#persona5royal #dragonageorigins
RT @biotcnerfherder
i’ve been running around all day and haven’t been able to tweet yet but HI PAX EAST FIND ME IN MY DRAGON AGE ERA TODAY
LivingEvil ist Live!
Nehmt Platz, macht es euch gemütlich und entspannt ein wenig bei mir!
Heute brechen wir von Schloss Redcliff auf zum Turm der Magi.
Werden wir die Hilfe erhalten um den Sohn von Arl Eamon zu retten und stehen zu ihrem Wort zu kämpfen?
#letsplay #fun #rpg #twitchde #ccomfy #dragonageorigins
#dragonageinquisition angefangen und dann beschlossen erstmal die Vorgänger zu spielen.
Ich halt 😆
#dragonageinquisition #dragonageorigins #dragonage2
#DragonAgeOrigins Writer Calls for #Remaster With 'PS5-Era Bells and Whistles'