Kalia: We should totally just forget about practice and do something fun instead!
Esgeril: You don't practice, you don't win races - it's as simple as that
Kalia: But it's more fun to goof off! What's the point of practicing if it's not fun?
Esgeril: The point is that you have to be prepared if you want to win the race. You can have fun afterwards
Kalia: I guess you're right...but do we really have to practice now? Can't we do it tomorrow?
I definitely have a problem of thinking too binary in my world building, but at least I'm acknowledging it. Today's email had this paragraph:
In the world of the Dragoneers, elves wear a sash, women with it over their left shoulder, and men with their sash over their right. Not sure what nonbinary elves do. Maybe wear it like a belt?
#amWriting #amwritingfantasy #worldbuilding #dragoneers
Esgeril: it will be nice having another gay dragon rider around here
Alu: I'm not gay
Esgeril: No, it's okay. People around here are pretty cool. There just aren't a lot of us, that's all
Alu: I'm not gay. I'm trans. I'm a trans girl
Lunara: Finally! Someone else around here who is trans. Come on. Essie and Kalia are great, but it will be nice having someone to talk about boys with
Alu: I'm not straight, either
#incorrectquotes #dragoneers #amwritingfantasy #bookstodon