Full Reattribution of damage of Augmentation Evokers gets one step closer as Patch 10.1.7 implements some additional Augmentation Evoker Combat Log fixes!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701493806753808833
The Secrets of Azeroth event continues, and day 11 has players look into suspicious receipts!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701467727238496638
Here's a preview of the customization options for the Flourishing Whimsydrake dragonriding mount available in 10.2.
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701436469905387823
In the first Patch 10.2 PTR build, we've datamined an updated Ebyssian Black Dragon Aspect model.
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701431350325060013
And the third in a row! Another satchel was found for the Secrets of Azeroth event today!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701411704670667017
And another community satchel for the Secrets of Azeroth event was found today!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701382049439891516
This week veteran healer and Wowhead Class Guide Writer, @Theunwow, reviews the collective Season 3 Healer changes coming in Patch 10.2. Are Healers still too powerful?
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701378840080400694
We're highlighting some of the new skyboxes added in Patch 10.2!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701373779841007626
The twelfth community satchel for the Secrets of Azeroth event has been found!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701372566395355543
The Raid Testing schedule for Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope is now up! The final boss, Fyrakk, will not be tested at all.
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701326286617018747
We've datamined the items levels for Season 3 of Mythic+ and players should now need to complete +18s to get Myth track gear out of the Great Vault.
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701318693664522403
New Health Potions, Embellishments and an enchant have been added for Profession items in Patch 10.2!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701317396294754444
We've datamined all the Priest Tier Set appearances in Patch 10.2!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701313421558296821
The Mages of Stormwind have done it again, the Stormwind Portal Room has been expanded in Patch 10.2 to support another 10 portals!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701303073237241924
We've datamined all the Monk Tier Set appearances in Patch 10.2!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701288243088490613
This is Chapter 4 of the Patch 10.2 Story Campaign, Ice and Fire. Story spoilers!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1701283210406117873
I've got #WoW #Dragonflight from my mate and decided to just take a peek after ~6 years of absence, refresh characters list and such. Created a Dracthyr, got spat on. Nice.
Blizzard has released the cinematic for Patch 10.1.7: Fury Incarnate. We break down this confrontation between Vyranoth and Fyrakk - and what it means for the future of the Primalist Incarnates.
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1696905615300276559
Another Dragonflight Dungeon event week has begun, awarding a Heroic raid cache and extra loot for completing dungeons!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1696899922606330153
Dragonflight is now 50% off until September 17th!
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1696580142900924713