Practicing my (animated) ballet moves 🩰
#StopMotion #animation #creativity #MalvernArmatures #puppet #armature #AardmanAcademy #AnimatorsOnMastodon #StopMotionAnimation #TraditionalAnimation #StopMotionPuppet #MovingImage #ballet #animated #calm #dragonframe #dramatic #MondayMotivation #CineMastodon #film
#stopmotion #animation #creativity #malvernarmatures #puppet #armature #aardmanacademy #animatorsonmastodon #stopmotionanimation #traditionalanimation #stopmotionpuppet #movingimage #ballet #animated #calm #dragonframe #dramatic #mondaymotivation #cinemastodon #film
Missetat begangen.
#StopMotion #Animation #StopFrame #StopMo #Kunst #Art #MastoArt #Handarbeit #SonyA7III #Dragonframe
#dragonframe #sonya7iii #handarbeit #mastoart #art #kunst #stopmo #StopFrame #animation #stopmotion
So sah heute übrigens mein Schreibtisch während des Streams aus.
#StopMotion #StopFrame #Animation #Dragonframe #Art #Kunst #MastoArt #BehindTheScenes #MakingOf #SonyA7III
#sonya7iii #makingof #behindthescenes #mastoart #kunst #art #dragonframe #animation #StopFrame #stopmotion
Meine erste Stop-Motion-Animation ausschließlich mit Papier. Verzeiht bitte das Hochformat, doch dafür sind die Soundeffekte selbstgemacht.
#MastoArt #StopMotion #papermation #StopMotionAnimation #StopMotionVideo #StopMotionStudio #Animation #StopFrame #StopFrameAnimation #paper #paperart #germanartist #Kunst #KleineKunstklasse #Dragonframe #SonyA7III
#sonya7iii #dragonframe #kleinekunstklasse #kunst #germanartist #paperart #paper #stopframeanimation #StopFrame #animation #stopmotionstudio #stopmotionvideo #stopmotionanimation #papermation #stopmotion #mastoart
Discovered this song years ago, while I was searching through music videos made with the #StopMotion software #Dragonframe.
I just love stop motion. :loveHeart:
What's your favorite music video created with this #animation technique?
#stopmotion #dragonframe #animation
Are there any #stopmotion people here? Specifically, physical puppet and model animators (there myst be a snappier way to describe non-2d non CGI 3d animation) using #Dragonframe? Anyone in #Nesodden?
#stopmotion #dragonframe #nesodden