Currently stress testing (ie just using the thing with a good antenna) a nice little Iridium rig sent by @cemaxecuter
We are trying to find the sweet spot between price and performance for a 'it just works' hardware kit.
Running #DragonOS of course.
It goes great till those sustained runs of 1000+ bursts of #iridium goodness fall out of the sky onto the antenna.
Long-Distance Wi-Fi With Steam Deck Server - It’s no secret that the Steam Deck is a powerful computer, especially for its pric... - #software-definedradio #longdistance #radiohacks #steamdeck #802.11ah #dragonos #radio #wi-fi #sdr
#sdr #wi #radio #dragonos #steamdeck #radiohacks #longdistance #software
@ai6yr I find audio (scanner / ATC / Aircraft) too slow and hard to index, looking to use Whisper to convert audio to text so we can use the usual filter / bot alert tools on keywords.
#DragonOS is including it in the latest .iso.
Will be feeding it C and L-Band audio pretty soon.
Note: this ctf is based on gnuradio-companion (grc).
For people in the #infosec world, grc can be found in #kali just type gnuradio-companion in a shell and kali will ask to install it.
For hams who do not have a linux laptop: check out the #dragonos liveCD here (*) which has grc included. You can either boot dragonOS from a USB flashdrive which will run without installing anything on your compurter, or run DragonOS in VMware Virutalbox ..
In times of turmoil, upset, and uncertain futures, at least we have #WWV. For now, at least.
And no, I haven't logged into my Mastodon instance on this system yet, so deal with the potato screenshots. #DragonOS #SDRpp #AirSpy #HFplus #swl #hamradio
#hamradio #swl #hfplus #airspy #sdrpp #dragonos #wwv
Nice, time to find out where this broadband noise source is. #ham #hamradio #interference #mediumwave #40meters #DragonOS #SDRpp
#sdrpp #dragonos #40meters #mediumwave #interference #hamradio #ham