As I expected, I barely had time to play video games while on vacation. I managed to fit in one session of #DragonQuestV on my phone, in which I went over 20 hours of total gameplay. For about 2 years it's been my go-to game when all I have is my phone.
Review: Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (Nintendo DS)
In this review, we collect the mini medals in the Nintendo DS game Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride. We find out how well this RPG game plays.
This game was released in 2009. It is, as the name suggests, t
#Reviews(Games) #DragonQuestV #DragonQuestV:HandoftheHeavenlyBride #DS #game #gaming #NintendoDS #review #RPG
#rpg #review #NintendoDS #gaming #game #ds #dragonquestv #reviews
Greetings from Sniflheim! This week, we continue to play #jrpgs to cure our winter blues, and sprinkle in a few games to celebrate 2023 - The Year of the Farm
Games Discussed: #StardewValley #CozyGrove #OnePieceOdyssey #DragonQuestXI #DragonQuestV
Stardew Valley (2:51)
Cozy Grove (8:05)
One Piece Odyssey (13:26)
Dragon Quest XI Check-In (23:21)
#podcast #videogames
#jrpgs #stardewvalley #cozygrove #onepieceodyssey #dragonquestxi #dragonquestv #podcast #videogames
I've gotten to play games on my cell phone a lot more than normal lately. When able to attach my Razer Kishi I play #FinalFantasyXII. Finally got through the Sandseas and am currently deep into the Tomb of Raithwall.
When I can't use my Kishi I play #DragonQuestV, in which I just got married. I picked Bianca.
#finalfantasyxii #dragonquestv
I've gotten to play games on my cell phone a lot more than normal lately. When able to attach my Razer Kishi I play #FinalFantasyXII. Finally got through the Sandseas and am currently deep into the Tomb of Raithwall.
When I can't use my Kishi I play #DragonQuestV, in which I just got married. I picked Bianca.
#finalfantasyxii #dragonquestv
Dragon Quest Retrospective: The Dragon Quest V Multiverse
And now you know... the rest of the story. (MAJOR spoilers for the movie.)
#DragonQuestRetrospective #DragonQuestV #DragonQuest:YourStory #SNES
#dragonquestv #dragonquest #snes #DragonQuestRetrospective
Toutes les œuvres de #Toriyama avec #WorldSeriesFighter #ArmySoldiers #DBZ #DragonQuestV #DQV #Joker3 et #JealKB #Invade !
#anime #manga #jeuxvideo #videogames #visuelkei
#toriyama #WorldSeriesFighter #ArmySoldiers #dbz #dragonquestv #DQV #Joker3 #JealKB #invade #anime #manga #jeuxvideo #videogames #visuelkei