@hacks4pancakes Excellent #Dragos presentation on ICS security & how the attackers got in. I appreciate you & your organization for doing this #InfoSec #CyberSecurity briefing.
Pay careful attention to the CODESYS mention:
Specifically the CODESYS library inside the PLC firmware:
#dragos #infosec #cybersecurity
Wenn der Comedian sein Publikum ausfragt; die Dame in der ersten Reihe bei einem Pharmaunternehmen an einem Lungenmedikament arbeitet — und ihr Partner für eine Tabakfirma.
#daslebenschreibtdiebestengeschichten #comedy #dragos
Photography in the #FrenchQuarter, then went for some Charbroiled Oysters at #Dragos
#StLouisCathedral #NOLA #NewOrleans
#Photography #Fotografia #Fotografie
#frenchquarter #dragos #stlouiscathedral #nola #neworleans #photography #fotografia #fotografie
The #tyrant from #Russia #Putin wants to wage war on the #EU
#RTL says.
#Cybersecurity firm #Dragos from the #USA has warned that hackers from #Russia are trying to penetrate the #LNG terminals to cause energy chaos in #Europe #Germany #France #Netherlands #Belgium #Spain #Italy #Greece #Poland #Ukraine #Moldavia #Hungary https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/economie/artikel/5348201/hackers-rusland-lng-gasterminal-nederland-europese-unie-cyberoorlog
#Kasparov is right about the #psycho Putin, read his book Winter is coming, he will not stop unless we stop him!
#tyrant #russia #putin #EU #rtl #cybersecurity #dragos #usa #lng #europe #germany #france #netherlands #belgium #spain #italy #greece #poland #Ukraine #moldavia #hungary #kasparov #psycho
@Adman Lots of pros already on Masto. #BleepingComputer, members of #Dragos, etc. Also bot feeds bring in data and it will be shared. Especially in this type of community.