So great to see Valentina in the @losangelestimes
#DragRaceMexico is fantastic.
Catching up on #DragRaceMexico and this was the lip sync song of the episode I just watched. A 1992 banger that I fucking love. It was a great lip sync.
Nunca pensé que me quedaría picado viendo #dragracemexico y para nada el nicho de gente que vería eso.
“You’re here as an accessory, not as a necessity.”
—#MariahParisBalenciaga reading #AlexisMateo
#BingeQueens #DragRaceMéxico S1E4:
#DragQueens #drag #DragRace #Mariah #MariahBalenciaga #ReadingIsFundamental
#mariahparisbalenciaga #alexismateo #bingequeens #dragracemexico #dragqueens #drag #dragrace #mariah #mariahbalenciaga #readingisfundamental
On Drag Race Mexico, I just watched a taco eating contest as one drag queen fed as many tacos as possible to another drag queen in timed contest, while a practically naked pit crew watched. This is the content I live for. #dragrace #dragracemexico
After a fan uproar when #MTV, the new home of #RuPaulsDragRace, cut the show from 90- to 60-minutes to make way for a new reality show no one asked for, #ParamountPlus will stream the full 90-minute episodes beginning August 9. And later this Fall, the new #WoWPresentsPlus series #DragRaceMexico will also join the #streaming service.
#mtv #rupaulsdragrace #paramountplus #wowpresentsplus #dragracemexico #streaming
J'accroche de moins en moins à #DragRaceMexico. On nous a vendu la meilleure franchise du siècle mais je ne trouve pas. Valentina est mauvaise dans son rôle d'hôtesse de cérémonies et les thèmes des maxi défis commencent à être de plus en plus mauvais.
#DragRaceMexico Season 1 PPE Calculation
For now, Cristian Peralta is in the lead with 4,2 PPE. (and a favorite edit, honestly). In second place, Regina Voce with 3,8 PPE. In third place, tie between Gala Varo and Matraka at 3,6 (I'm a #Matraka stan).
Wyatt and Jeremy discuss the fame game competition, Wyatt bitches about the wheel multiplier, We make our predictions for the results and Jeremy quizzes Wyatt on the queens IG following.
#AllStars8 #DragRace #RupaulDragRace #DragRaceMexico #RealityTV
#realitytv #dragracemexico #RuPaulDragRace #dragrace #allstars8
Ya llevo al día #dragracemexico, así que impresiones:
- Cristian Peralta tiene pinta de que va a ser la ganadora, me da las mismas vibes que me daba Sharonne, de persona superprofesional y experimentada que sabe hacer de todo.
- Regina Voce va muy fuerte también, pero creo, después del capítulo de hoy, que van a hacer storyline de ella contra Cristian Peralta.
- Matraca y Margaret Y Ya son mis absolutas favoritas.
- Me han dado mucha lástima que se fueran yendo, me encanta el cast.
Joder, casi siempre echan a una de mis favoritas la primera... #dragracemexico
We’re watching #DragRaceMexico.
First impressions…
The #werkroom is *huge*. Their country is tiny and there are more than 100 million people. How do they have so much space?
Also, oh my gosh. The looks are so polished. Comparing this to most iterations of #DragRace, they all look so incredibly professional.
#dragracemexico #werkroom #dragrace
Seguro que no era el único que lo esperaba:
#DragRace #DragRaceMx #dragracemexico
#dragrace #dragracemx #dragracemexico