Radical Social Worker · @Resister
1117 followers · 779 posts · Server radicalsocial.work

@ryanhoulihan The Kids in the Hall are banded in Florida too.


Last updated 2 years ago

Adrianna Tan · @skinnylatte
3183 followers · 4531 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Still amazes me that I can shoot film this morning and have it developed (in my bathroom) and scanned (at my desk, which is not in my bathroom) the same day. (I never even looked at my digital photos this quickly when I was mostly digital. But I really enjoy developing film. I should have learned it earlier, instead of last month)

Developed 4 rolls of film today!

#believeinfiim #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #trans #dragupfightback #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscoanalog #lgbt

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill (PlinyTheOlder) · @PlinyTheOlder
253 followers · 593 posts · Server sfba.social

One glorious thing about today was seeing so many fantastic people stand up and show up for the rights of trans people, which is really what all the attacks on drag are about. Another wonderful thing was running into so many friends along the way. In the front of this photo are my friends Reverend Diana, Misty Blue and Carlos Medal, for instance.

#dragupfightback #dragupfightbacksanfrancisco

Last updated 2 years ago

Adrianna Tan · @skinnylatte
3180 followers · 4523 posts · Server hachyderm.io

I really need to learn more activist Cantonese and Mandarin: two old Chinese ladies asked me what the rally was for, and I could not explain. They were genuinely curious and I wish I could have been able to tell them in either language. Unfortunately the words I know for queer things are negative and I know there is more updated language I should sit down and memorize.

#trans #dragupfightback #stoptranshate

Last updated 2 years ago