@springdiesel The pretty uncomfortable truth holds, that Hitler's Nazis framed their antisemitic Nuremberg race laws inspired by American racist anti-POC laws & rules like the "one-drop policy".
And that America succeeded at defeating the Nazis at Normandy's Omaha & Utah beaches, but failed to do so in real Omaha, Utah & other parts of the United States. Until today.
Deterred (?) by an almost self-destructive interpretation of the First Amendment?

#defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #democracy #humanitymatters #JusticeMatters #defeatnazism #drainracism #whitesupremashit #wecandothis #wemustdothis #UnitedInDiversity #strongertogether

Last updated 2 years ago

@marcibadwolf303 @kevinrns Today's "GOP" is the americanized version of "Lebensborn e.V.".

An ahistorical master-racist absurdity & atrocity, focused on the superiority of just one color of skin: white.

WTF is "Lebensborn"? => en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensbo

#DefendAmerica #humanitymatters #humanity #racism #nazism #drainracism #constitutionrocks #reconstructionamendments #banthegop

Last updated 2 years ago

@Some_Emo_Chick How about Tennessee trying to finally arrive in the 21st century, freeing itself from the chains of 19th century self-isolation, racism, bigotry, small-mindedness, hate, vindictiveness & violence?

#drainracism #racism #discrimination #bigotry #lgbtq #equalrights #14thamendment

Last updated 2 years ago

@uspolitics ๐Ÿ˜Ž White supremacists won't sign Democrats' letter denouncing white supremacists.

Is it any wonder?!

Or a confession?

Don't ask sympathizers of the Confederate war flag to denounce fans of the Confederate war flag!

#drainracism #racism #unelectablegop #whitesupremashit #lostinsupremacy #lostsupremacy

Last updated 2 years ago

@sonyasteele 158 years after the defeat of the racist slaveholder Confederacy & subsequent "Reconstruction Amendments" its a damning & shameful testimony of ignorance & susceptibility to outdated racist schemes, that the acceptability of higher public officials still seems to depend on their color of skin or even one drop of "non-white" blood.

The fact, that the genocidal Nazis learned from American racists, how to craft their antisemitic Nuremberg laws should be warning enough, that there's still a lot of homework to do.

FFS, America deserves more than just one drop of sanity.

#americadeservesbetter #drainracism #racism #humanitymatters #strongertogether #UnitedInDiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

Donald Trump would no longer be a national security threat & mentioned as worst presidential office holder ever had Florida "Republicans" come forward with their insane (Nazi
conspiracy-theory) idea to ban COVID vaccines earlier.

While one of the goals behind banning vaccines & vaccination may be to kill vulnerable black communities by depriving them of access to lifecsaving vaccines.

#UnitedInDiversity #strongertogether #drainracism #banthegop

Last updated 2 years ago

@GottaLaff Scott Adams on "how I was able to proudly fuck up my whole life with a couple of really really damn stupid racist concatenated words".

#drainracism #drainidiocy

Last updated 2 years ago

@Fayedray That's right. The Nazis' Nuremberg race laws were to a great deal inspired by America's racist measures, rules & laws disadvantaging, disenfranchising, dehumanizing & humiliating African Americans, being in certain parts so despicably racist & inhumane, that even the genocidal Nazis shied away from adopting them to their antisemitic racist agenda.

"Roland Freisler [,who sentenced countless members of German resistance to death, after publicly humiliating them in court], who would become president of the Nazi Peopleโ€™s Court, declared that American jurisprudence โ€œwould suit us perfectly.โ€"

And that's, what misleading slavery-apologists & -demagogues like DeSantis would like to comfortably sweep under the rug to intoxicate gullible voters for personal gain.


#drainracism #racismepidemic #racism #humanitymatters #blacklivesmatter #blm #UnitedInDiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

๐Ÿ’กRebel fact: Wikipedia's article about the defeated Confederacy defines its government as

"Confederated presidential non-partisan herrenvolk republic".

"Herrenvolk" means "master race".

Says it all about the racist nature of the southern rebel entity, at the same time tying Nazi racism to it, borrowing that term from Nazi speak.


#drainracism #racism #bookburning #bookbanning #blackhistory #americanhistory #forginghistory #desantis #rebellion #insurrection

Last updated 2 years ago

@pivoinebleue ๐Ÿค” What a difference 167 years can make, giving Confederate rebel zombies enough time to slip into Lincoln's party's coat.

Republican Party Platform for the 1856 election for President of the United States on slave trade & slavery:

"That all these things have been done with the knowledge, sanction, and procurement of the present National Administration; and that for this high crime against the Constitution, the Union, and humanity, we arraign that Administration, the President, his advisers, agents, supporters, apologists, and accessories, either before or after the fact, before the country and before the world; and that it is our fixed purpose to bring the actual perpetrators of these atrocious outrages and their accomplices to a sure and condign punishment thereafter."

#drainracism #racism #exploitation #slavery #crimesagainsthumanity #blackhistory #americanhistory #goppseudohistory #fakehistory

Last updated 2 years ago

@mekkaokereke ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ At least some people are still open to truth & facts.
Well done!

While others in highest offices seem to be desperately fighting to deceitfully reverse history for notorious political gain.


#drainracism #UnitedInDiversity #strongertogether #confederatezombies

Last updated 2 years ago

@TonyStark Not only is dicktator Con DeSantis wrong about studies of slavery & inherent racism toward black victims of slavery - he's deliberately spin-doctoring American history to bribe all those affected with the slightest trace of thoughts about America's disgraceful history of commercial & systematic inhumanity dehumanizing & exploiting countless people of color.
Banning the history of these abused humans is DeSantis's personal commission of cultural genocide, again depriving black fellow-Americans of their right to their own history & public awareness of their inhumane suffering & plight under American slaveholdership.

#drainracism #condesantis #removeron

Last updated 2 years ago

@Deglassco In fact it's incredible that the confederate rebels are still defiant 158 years after their defeat, abolition of slavery & last century's introduction of the UN Human Rights Charter, which doesn't include any Confederate right to own slaves or feel racially superior to People of Color.

#drainracism #drainidiocy #humanitymatters #blm

Last updated 2 years ago

Arena Cops · @ArenaCops
47 followers · 481 posts · Server infosec.exchange

@Maggie You spelled it out, the keyword here is intolerable "hatred", inherited, condoned, normalized & encouraged by systematic disinformation, as eg furthered by antisocial actions like banning history books informing about the the crimes & wrongs committed throughout history.
Banning historical facts from people's minds isn't only cowardice, it's approval of crimes & wrongdoings.

#drainracism #humanitymatters #standwithfreedom #standwithhumanity #equality #freedom #humanity #UnitedInDiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

Arena Cops · @ArenaCops
47 followers · 481 posts · Server infosec.exchange

@Maggie It's inconceivably shocking, how U.S. government allowed Confederate racist Jim Crow laws to rage on for more than hundred years after the defeat of the Confederacy!

When the Nazis prepared to codify their antisemitism & racism they looked to... America !

"And the ugly irony is that when the Nazis rejected American law, it was often because they found it too harsh. For example, Nazi observers shuddered at the โ€œhuman hardnessโ€ of the โ€œone dropโ€ rule, which classified people โ€œof predominantly white appearanceโ€ as blacks. To them, American racism was sometimes simply too inhumane."


#histodon #history #humanrights #blackmastodon #jimcrowlaws #racism #drainracism #UnitedInDiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

Arena Cops๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆโœŒ · @ArenaCops
128 followers · 1709 posts · Server masto.ai

@georgetakei Time again to remember the U.S. Army's 442nd Infantry Regiment, *most decorated* in U.S. military history & mostly composed of 2nd-generation Japanese Americans, who even fought fascism in Europe & died, while their loved ones were held in U.S internment camps!

#history #drainracism #unitedindiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

Arena Cops๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆโœŒ · @ArenaCops
112 followers · 1434 posts · Server masto.ai

@akingson Actually the swastika as a graphic symbol is much older than the time of Hitler's birth, the Nazis & the confederate rebels' flag.

While both are certainly seen as expressions of murderous racist attitudes, policies & crimes today. And both should be banned!
In Germany publicly showing the swastika as a symbol of an anti-constitutional entity is prohibited.
The same should apply to the racist & insurrectionary confederate battle flag

#drainracism #unitedindiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

@juddlegum So Kanye still socializes with the insurrection inciter & thief of masses of federal property, who called African nations & Haiti "shithole countries"?

Good to know!

#drainracism #defenddemocracy #unitedindiversity #indicttrump

Last updated 2 years ago