Drain the Oceans ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ https://trakt.tv/shows/drain-the-oceans #DrainTheOceans #trakt
Today seems like a good day to inform everyone there’s a great NatGeo series called Drain the Oceans.
Where they use sonar devices and technology to see how Nazi ships, Bermuda Triangle, slave ships, Loch Ness theories, Alcatraz prisoners, etc. all came to sink.
#Orcas #DrainTheOceans #Billionaires #Titanic #Ocean #DisneyPlus #OceanGate
#oceangate #disneyplus #ocean #titanic #billionaires #draintheoceans #orcas
TV TONIGHT (March 5)
#SWV #Xscape #MarriedByMistake #StrangerNextDoor #CrashCourseInRomance #MurfTheSurf #EvilLivesHere #DrainTheOceans #AmericanIdol #TheSimpsons #TheLastOfUs #YourHonor #MILFManor #MagnumPI #HomeTown #TournamentOfChampions #NCISLA #XFL
#xfl #ncisla #TournamentOfChampions #HomeTown #magnumpi #milfmanor #YourHonor #thelastofus #thesimpsons #americanidol #draintheoceans #evilliveshere #murfthesurf #crashcourseinromance #strangernextdoor #marriedbymistake #Xscape #swv
Looks like the drug smugglers from back in the day inadvertently contributed a lot of what turned into artificial reefs during their logistical efforts. #DrainTheOceans #OddBits
TV TONIGHT (January 3)
#WillTrent #TheRookie #TheRookieFeds #LifeBelowZero #DrainTheOceans #WelcomeToChippendales #FindingYourRoots #SurvivingRKelly #SometimesWhenWeTouch #CarIssues #TheResident #NewAmsterdam #LPBW #BelowDeckAdventure #TheOval #NHL
#nhl #theoval #belowdeckadventure #lpbw #newamsterdam #TheResident #carissues #SometimesWhenWeTouch #SurvivingRKelly #FindingYourRoots #welcometochippendales #draintheoceans #lifebelowzero #therookiefeds #therookie #willtrent
Seeing how the Alamo is tied into #DrainTheOceans should be interesting. Had no idea there was a maritime component to the battle but I guess I’m about to find out otherwise. #SanAntonio #Texas
#draintheoceans #sanantonio #texas
TV TONIGHT (November 29)
#QueenSugar #FixerToFabulous #DrainTheOceans #PlanetSex #CrimeScene #TexasKillingFields #CaseyAnthony #WhereTheTruthLies #BehindTheMusic #TheStoryOfHome #ReindeerInHere #MySoCalledHighSchoolRank #TheRookieFeds #TheOvalOnBET
#theovalonbet #therookiefeds #mysocalledhighschoolrank #reindeerinhere #thestoryofhome #behindthemusic #wherethetruthlies #caseyanthony #texaskillingfields #crimescene #planetsex #draintheoceans #fixertofabulous #queensugar