#IndieAuthorNews #News #AbuDhabi #AbuDhabiArabicLanguageCenter #Arabic #BookPrize #DrAliBinTamim #Translation #Translators #UnitedArabEmirates
Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre Forms Its 2023 Scientific Committee
The 10-person scientific committee constituted for this year by the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre is led by Dr. Ali Bin Tamim.
The post Abu Dhabi Arabic Language C...
#indieauthornews #news #abudhabi #abudhabiarabiclanguagecenter #arabic #bookprize #dralibintamim #translation #translators #unitedarabemirates
#IndieAuthorNews #News #AbuDhabi #AbuDhabiArabicLanguageCenter #Arabic #BookPrize #BritishCentreforLiteraryTranslation #DrAliBinTamim #NationalCentreforWriting
Sheikh Zayed Book Award Translation Program Returns for 2023
The Sheikh Zayed Book Award-sponsored program runs July 23-t0-29 in association with the British Centre for Literary Translation.
The post Sheikh Zayed Book Award Tra...
#indieauthornews #news #abudhabi #abudhabiarabiclanguagecenter #arabic #bookprize #britishcentreforliterarytranslation #dralibintamim #nationalcentreforwriting