*bullies teenagers for having braces* #DramaFree 😘😇
nothing to see here guys I'm just trying to get that Invisalign sponsorship $$$ gnome sayin it's all about the hustle
🧵preface 0/14
14 toots on Threads launch& #socialmedia for irl ppl vs for online friends?
I'm basically trying them all. 😂
Love how everyone thinks the new one is #dramafree, good #community, better experience - until the beta testing phase is over or it reaches a certain number if users.
First I saw Mastodon v CounterSocial- then downhill from there. BlueSky, Post, Hive, Spill, Threads... I won't mention the time I thought one Mastodon server was a separate social media platform😂
#community #dramafree #socialmedia
¿Qué tal el día #mastodon?
Se acaba el año y estoy conociento a mucha gentecilla por aquí y estoy muy contento. Quiero que os mojéis, que en otro sitio he puesto esta foto pero nadie contesta. Pero quiero darle un #twist. Podeis poner lo que queráis pero si me hacéis una #pregunta, responderé. Si lo dejáis en una frase o afirmación, no responderé, os dare fav para que lo sepáis.
Qué, #challenge?
#TellAll #gaymer #gayman #confession #gaybeard #gayes #ama #question #happynewyear #DramaFree
#mastodon #twist #pregunta #challenge #tellall #Gaymer #gayman #confession #gaybeard #gayes #ama #question #happynewyear #dramafree
Well, I'm still not sure about this whole Mastodon thing. It's very quiet over here. But I love the fact that I don't have to deal with crazy negative people dragging me down. #relaxing #dramafree #bettermood
#relaxing #dramafree #bettermood
On second thought, I'm gonna build an ElMu filter and focus on what I really enjoy: #Python, #ParrotOS, #InfoSec, and #Hacking. I got my dose of drama for the rest of '22 and prolly most of '23.
No more Space Karen.
No more ragebait.
No more arguing with NPCs.
So #EnoughMuskSpam for now. This is a #DramaFree zone. Violators will be shot. ✊
The only drama allowed is me making fun of stupid clients of mine. 🤡
#python #parrotos #infosec #hacking #enoughmuskspam #dramafree #justinfosecconsultantthings
Oh man, third and final #turkeyDay for us and our extended families. Got to smoke two of turkeys last night and boy did they turn out great and not one bit dry. Happy night everyone.
#family #thanksgiving #dayLate #turkey #smokedMeat #smoking #smokingMeat #dramaFree #nothingLeftOver
#turkeyday #family #thanksgiving #daylate #turkey #smokedmeat #smoking #smokingmeat #dramafree #nothingleftover
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Foto: William Lipkind fotografado por Charles Wagley
Você sabia? Além de nossas contas nas redes sociais (https://linktr.ee/nimuendaju), você pode sempre contar com a nossa velha lista de anúncios por email. Assine-a para informar-se sobre as novidades em nosso acervo, #OpenAccess & #DramaFree: