Mr. #DramaKing Pauncho put on his best performance ever. By the time we walked to a nearby pharmacy, he was in the "throes of agony." He's like a toddler throwing a tantrum. It was so Pauncho.
I'd picked up a dumped bowl for his water, so as we walked up behind the car at the window to buy some, the lady rolled down her window and handed us a bottle. I was grateful: he just twitched off like he was in the fittest shape of his life. All he wanted was attention.
Oh, the endless #histrionic self-created crises of the #DamselinDistress and #DudeinDistress #DramaQueen and #DramaKing:
"I crashed my car (for the 18th time)! What am I gonna do?!?! How will I get to work?!?!? (Yeah, I don't really want to work and I'm pissed you want me to contribute to the mortgage and living expenses.)"
"I was fired because my coworkers are jealous of me!!! (And because I had yet another affair with another boss and his wife found out.) Why does this always happen to ME!"
"My landlord is evicting me! (Because I failed to pay rent for the last 6 months and he finally got an eviction notice via the court.) Where will I go?! What shall I do?!!!"
"Oh no!!! Look at all these guys fighting over me!! I don't know why I bring out the caveman in them. (#Triangulation and deliberately pitting them against each other to 'win' me couldn't possibly have anything to do with it.)"
"Help!!! I've fallen in a well and I can't get up!! Why does this keep happening to MEEEE!!!?!?!?"
Lassies and Laddies, if you're tired of continuously coming to rescue of Queen Chaos and Captain Catastrophe's self-architected disasters, then stop. They'll either have to clean up their own damn messes or find another #enabler. In other words, a win-win outcome for you.
Happy Friday!
#AbuseHasNoGender #HistrionicPersonalityDisorder #HPD #BPD #borderline #NPD #narcissist
#histrionic #damselindistress #dudeindistress #dramaqueen #dramaking #triangulation #enabler #abusehasnogender #histrionicpersonalitydisorder #hpd #bpd #borderline #npd #narcissist