And done! Here's my new Leslie Nielsen art in celebration of this presentation of Forbidden Planet! Really happy with how the laser turned out!
#TCMParty #savetcm #forbiddenplanet #drawnderground
I completely forgot to post the blank page! Here's my first progress shot on my new Leslie Nielson portrait!
#TCMParty #forbiddenplanet #savetcm #drawnderground
Awesome film! Be back and drawing again in two hours when Forbidden Planet starts!
#TCMParty #savetcm #badlands #drawnderground
First progress shot. Getting somewhere with this new Martin Sheen drawing!
#TCMParty #savetcm #badlands #drawnderground
Drawing Martin Sheen on pizza instructions for tonight’s art piece! Drawing Leslie Neilsen during Forbidden Planet later on!
#TCMParty #badlands #savetcm #drawnderground
And done with tonight’s last drawing! Here’s my new Tamara Dobson art for tonight’s TCM presentation of Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold! Thanks for watching tonight’s pieces shape-up during this insanely awesome line-up of awesome and insane films!
#TCMParty #cleopatrajonesandthecasinoofgold #drawnderground
Got the basic details down! Time for a bunch of shadow hatching!
#TCMParty #cleopatrajonesandthecasinoofgold #drawnderground
Sticking with the weekly planner theme tonight! Getting started on my Tamara Dobson art for tonight’s last piece!
#TCMParty #cleopatrajonesandthecasinoofgold #drawnderground
And it’s hatched! Here’s my new Egg Lady art in celebration of this TCM presentation of Pink Flamingos!
#TCMParty #pinkflamingos #drawnderground
Getting started on a new portrait of Edith Massey as The Egg Lady!
#TCMParty #pinkflamingos #drawnderground
And done! Here’s my new Roger Daltrey art for this TCM presentation of Lisztomania! Drawing Edie the Egg Lady during Pink Flamingos next!
#TCMParty #lisztomania #drawnderground
First progress shot! Happy with how that Piano scarf came out! Should have this new drawing finished shortly!
#TCMParty #lisztomania #drawnderground
Getting started on a new drawing of Roger Daltrey drawing for Lisztomania!
#TCMParty #lisztomania #drawnderground
And done! Here’s my new Mary Woronov art in celebration of this TCM presentation of Eating Raoul! More art coming during the next feature!
#TCMParty #eatingraoul #drawnderground
First progress shot! Don’t think I’ve drawn anyone in a nurse uniform since Nurse Ratched! Should have this done shortly!
#TCMParty #eatingraoul #drawnderground
Getting started on tonight’s first art piece. Drawing Mary Woronov as Mary Bland on a torn. weekly planner.
#TCMParty #eatingraoul #drawnderground
Here's a previous portrait of Kim Novak that I’ve drawn in the past inspired by this cult classic!
#TCMParty #thelegendoflylahclare #savetcm #drawnderground
And that's a wrap! Here’s my new portrait of Kim Novak firfitst Tonight's TCM presentation of The Legend of Lylah Clare! Thanks for checking my art out during these awesome campy features!
#TCMParty #thelegendoflylahclare #savetcm #drawnderground
Heads up! Getting somewhere with this new Kim Novak portrait. Onto the body!
#TCMParty #thelegendoflylahclare #savetcm #drawnderground
Drawing Kim Novak on a torn-out spiral notebook page! Progress shot coming soon!
#TCMParty #thelegendoflylahclare #savetcm #drawnderground