Cartoon kid
Coloured it in. Liked it. Then tried adding a bit of felt tip. It was better without!
Cartoon kid
Coloured it in. Liked it. Then tried adding a bit of felt tip. It was better without!
Zynga faces class action suit over massive Words With Friends hack - It's charging subpar password security and lousy user notification: Zynga has yet to notify users ... more: #wordswithfriends #securitythreats #gnosticplayers #drawsomething #classaction #onlinegames #socialgames #databreach #law&order #passwords #dataloss #privacy #hashing #lawsuit #salting #breach #sha-1
#sha #breach #salting #lawsuit #hashing #privacy #dataloss #passwords #law #databreach #socialgames #onlinegames #classaction #drawsomething #gnosticplayers #securitythreats #wordswithfriends