I think I wanna try doing this again this year once I'm done with my sketch cards, so give me suggestions!
RT @bunnycartoon@twitter.com
So for #drawtober2021/#drawlloween this year, I wanna do what I did last year & focus on trying to finish 10 small drawings. So let's try this! (They don't have to be "monsters" per say, but any characters that fall under spooky or Halloweeny would be great!) Suggest away!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bunnycartoon/status/1443364818803638280
Day 28 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter
Today is all about tubes. Red tubes, blue tubes. Both kinds of tubes!
This is also the one of the last days to hop on my Patreon and get one of these #inktober plots in the mail!
#axidraw #drawtober2021 #inktober #inktober2021
Day 27 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter!
We're getting close to the end! Today I did a little comic book inspired psychedelia.
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#MastoArt #axidraw #creativecoding #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 26 of #inktober2021 on the pen plotter!
Today I made a simple design inspired by one of my favorite artists, Julio Le Parc.
You can get one of these postcards by backing my patreon!
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#MastoArt #generativeart #creativecoding #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 25 of #inktober2021 on the pen plotter!
Color tubes.
Getting pretty close to the end!
There's still some time to get one of these cards (and support my work) by backing my new Patreon!
#MastoArt #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 24 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter!
Dividing up the space on the postcard with a modulated sine wave. Added a little blue for flourish.
You can get one of these postcards by backing my patreon!
#plottertwitter #inktober #drawtober2021 #axidraw #creativecoding #MastoArt
#MastoArt #creativecoding #axidraw #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 23 of #inktober2021 on my plotter!
Some ghostly, pseudo-3D noise forms.
These postcards will all be mailed to backers of my new patreon!
#plottertwitter #Inktober #drawtober2021 #axidraw #creativecoding #MastoArt
#MastoArt #creativecoding #axidraw #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 22 of #inktober on the pen plotter!
Today I'm playing with fill patterns and overlapping designs.
You can snag one of these postcards by backing my patreon!
#plottertwitter #Inktober #drawtober2021 #creativecoding #MastoArt
#MastoArt #creativecoding #drawtober2021 #plottertwitter #inktober
Day 21 of #inktober2021 on the pen plotter!
Today's drawing comes with a bit of a story about how fun it can be to use broken equipment. The pen I originally tried to use for yesterday's drawing busted, but in an interesting way that I wanted to take advantage of!
I wrote a bit about it as a public patreon post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/inktober-day-21-57681976
#plottertwitter #Inktober #creativecoding #MastoArt #drawtober2021
#drawtober2021 #MastoArt #creativecoding #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 20 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter!
Moire patterns are just so fascinating! They're so easy to make but they can be tweaked endlessly and the output is often difficult to predict.
I'll be mailing all of these postcards to backers on my patreon:
#MastoArt #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 19 of #inktober2021 on the pen plotter!
More striated color lines, this time taking advantage of some basic geometry to modulate the distance between the lines.
Took a few tries to get the alignment right!
If you dig these drawings you can have one mailed to your house by backing my patreon!
#plottertwitter #inktober #drawtober2021 #creativecoding #MastoArt
#MastoArt #creativecoding #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 17 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter!
A node graph! Using some chunky art markers I got as a gift last year.
You can get one of these postcards by backing my patreon!
#plottertwitter #Inktober #drawtober2021 #creativecoding #axidraw #MastoArt
#MastoArt #axidraw #creativecoding #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 16 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter!
A little color gamp inspired design!
The first 31 backers of my patreon will each get one of these postcards!
#MastoArt #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 15 of #inktober on my pen plotter! Halfway through!
I'm a huge sucker for tightly packed lines with alternating color. They say to write what you know and I assume that applies to C++ as well!
You can support this art and get some of these postcards by back on patreon!
#plotter #MastoArt #drawtober2021 #plottertwitter #inktober
Day 14 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter!
I made some voronoi diagrams! One with monochrome textures & the other with varying color lines.
If you dig these plots, you can back my patreon to get some for your very own!
#drawtober2021 #MastoArt #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 13 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter!
Packing some hexagons and using noise to determine their density! After this month I'd really like to do a full-size version of this one.
The first 31 backers on my Patreon will receive one of these postcard-sized plots in the mail!
#MastoArt #axidraw #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 12 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter!
Went back to a design from last month that I've been wanting to tweak.
The first 31 backers on my patreon will all receive one of these postcard-sized plots in the mail!
#MastoArt #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 11 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter!
Calling this one "Marbles"
I currently have 14 backers on Patreon (amazing! thank you!). The first 31 backers will all receive one of this month's sketches in the mail!
#MastoArt #plotter #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 10 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter!
More color experiments with the pens from Day 08! Some algorithmic color hatching. I like how dreamy these colors feel together, especially in the lighter areas.
You can get these postcards by supporting me on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/andymakes
#plottertwitter #axidraw #inktober #drawtober2021 #MastoArt #plotter
#plotter #MastoArt #drawtober2021 #inktober #axidraw #plottertwitter #inktober2021
Day 08 of #inktober2021 on my pen plotter!
Trying out some new pens and some new shapes today! Digging the colors on these pens. Reminds me of risograph prints.
If you like these drawings, you can get some for yourself by supporting me on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/andymakes
#plottertwitter #inktober #drawtober2021 #creativecoding #axidraw #plotter #MastoArt
#MastoArt #plotter #axidraw #creativecoding #drawtober2021 #inktober #plottertwitter #inktober2021