Random Old Comic: #RehireJamesGunn https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2018/07/23/rehirejamesgunn/ #RehireJamesGunn #Cosmo #DorothyZbornak #Drax #Gamora #Groot #Marvel #RocketRacoon #StarLord https://www.facebook.com/815217756713386/posts/895224505379377?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#rehirejamesgunn #Cosmo #dorothyzbornak #drax #gamora #groot #Marvel #rocketracoon #starlord
Faktiskt får jag ibland intrycket att världen håller på att tas över av ett gäng ganska stereotypa James Bond-skurkar.
#zorin #drax #goldfinger #jamesbond
Government could be forced to pay millions to police asylum barges and military bases | The Independent
#asylum #asylumseekers #asylumbarges #barges #militarybases #Braverman #police #security #LEGALCHALLENGE #essex #sussex #linconshire #Dorset #nhs #healthcare #drax #Carmichael #nationalauditoffice #bibbystockholm #amnestyinternational #homeoffice #portland
Didn't imagine #Drax could be out-done, but #Medco burning trees for money seems directly genocidal #biofuel #bloodygreenwash
#drax #medco #biofuel #bloodygreenwash
I know I'm pretty positive in my reviews, but #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy3 is excellent. In depth storyline of #RocketRacoon made for an engaging #sequel.
#Gamora #Starlord #DraxTheDestroyer #Drax #Groot #IAmGroot #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy #Cosmos #Mantis
#guardiansofthegalaxy3 #rocketracoon #sequel #gamora #starlord #draxthedestroyer #drax #groot #iamgroot #guardiansofthegalaxy #cosmos #mantis
Interview: Biofuel Watch
Biofuel Watch works to campaign against the use of bio-energy. Focusing a lot at the moment on woody biomass. So [our] forests being used to create electricity, but also liquid biofuels from crops like corn and soy. And we campaign to highlight the issues for biodiversity and the climate, and [t
#AxeDrax #BiofuelWatch #CorporateWatch #Drax #EarthFirst! #Eco-defenceminiseries #StopBurningTreesCoalition
#AxeDrax #biofuelwatch #corporatewatch #drax #earthfirst #eco #stopburningtreescoalition
King Charles has expressed regret at his family's links to #slavery and is encouraging research into the details of this.
The #Trevelyan family are donating £100k to be spent on projects in Grenada.
But the person who needs to stump up, and can well afford it, is Richard #Drax - whose ancestors were major figures in the plantation system - see https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/26/barbados-tory-mp-pay-reparations-family-slave-richard-drax-caribbean-sugar-plantation
Tory MP issues legal threat over plan to put migrants on Dorset barge | The Independent
#asylumseekers #SmallBoats #Dorset #barge #portland #drax #homeoffice #Braverman #Sunak #TreatingAsylumSeekersLikeCriminals
Recently, members of the Biomass Connect team had the opportunity to visit the Drax Power Station. The biomass station is the largest power plant in the UK and is responsible for producing around 7% of the country's electricity. Drax is also the largest decarbonisation project in Europe, and the company is committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Wish we would stop talking about #Renewables as if that’s what we need and instead talk about #ZeroCarbon energy. Thinking of “renewable” in itself as desirable is really a hangover from #PeakOil and the geoplitics around this. It’s extremely obvious that renewables like #biofuels or #woodburning are not pljust as #polluting and CO2 emitting as #FossilFuels; yet they are encouraged and expanding by policies framed around renewable”(#Drax etc) #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAction
#renewables #zerocarbon #peakoil #biofuels #woodburning #polluting #fossilfuels #drax #climateemergency #ClimateAction
Now waiting for a train into Manchester, for a work meeting.
#Trains #Drax #GoodsTrain
@franckraisch #Drax ist ein Alptraum. #Kohle verbrennen wäre wohl die ökologischere Alternative, so pervers das klingt. Da dürften die #Bäume wenigstens stehen bleiben und binden weiter #CO2. Sogar wiederaufgeforstete Kahlschlagflächen erzeugen die ersten zehn Jahre mehr CO2 durch Verrottung als die Jungbäume aufnehmen. https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wissen/erde-klima/co2-kompensation-wie-sehr-hilft-baeumepflanzen-wirklich-18589157.html Sofern nicht die Aufforstung extra als #Klimaschutz verbucht wird.
Energieaufwand Holz zu Pellet und Transport kommt noch dazu! #biomasse @jvos63
#drax #kohle #baume #co2 #klimaschutz #biomasse
« En Angleterre, le mouvement "#AxeDrax" ("Mettons la hache dans Drax") exige la fin de cet #écoblanchiment. Ces contestataires de Drax affirment qu'il est faux de dire qu'une telle utilisation de la #biomasse est une énergie durable car, si on prend en considération l’empreinte totale de la filière des granulés de bois, leur combustion produirait autant, sinon plus de carbone que celle du charbon. »
Mettons la hache dans #Drax
#lautjournal #greenwashing #foret #drax #biomasse #ecoblanchiment #axedrax
« En Angleterre, le mouvement "#AxeDrax" ("Mettons la hache dans Drax") exige la fin de cet #écoblanchiment. Ces contestataires de Drax affirment qu'il est faux de dire qu'une telle utilisation de la #biomasse est une énergie durable car, si on prend en considération l’empreinte totale de la filière des granulés de bois, leur combustion produirait autant, sinon plus de carbone que celle du charbon.»
Mettons la hache dans #Drax
#lautjournal #greenwashing #foret #drax #biomasse #ecoblanchiment #axedrax