Pile of parts for #Dreadtober this year. A rubble-clearing dreadnought. #warhammer40k #dreadnought
#dreadtober #warhammer40k #dreadnought
Some pictures of my second #dreadtober project in 2022 - a Knight-Titan by the name of Hagia Sophia. Madness, I tell you! #Warhammer40k #knighttitan #knight
Made using Legio Models pieces, I believe, and a lot of conversion!
#dreadtober #warhammer40k #knighttitan #knight
A few more pictures of the Hagia Sophia done for #dreadtober
#warhammer #knight #knighttitan
#dreadtober #warhammer #knight #knighttitan
This is my #Dreadtober project; the Hagia Sophia Knight-Titan of excessive craziness and oddness.