It's not too late to enroll in Late Start college classes! Ken Der takes a walk around campus with President Dr. Diana Bajrami to see what's going on at the College of Alameda, including a new building, "Fall is Free" tuition assistance, and career-focused programs.
#alameda #CoA #CollegeOfAlameda #CommunityCollege #DrDianaBajrami #DreamAct #fafsa #FallIsFree #tuition
#alameda #coa #collegeofalameda #communitycollege #drdianabajrami #dreamact #fafsa #fallisfree #tuition
New Yorker: Fighting for the Right to Come and Go #NewYorker #News/AnnalsofImmigration #UndocumentedImmigrants #Immigration #Dreamers #DreamAct #Activism #Mexico
#newyorker #news #undocumentedimmigrants #immigration #dreamers #dreamact #activism #mexico
Every time we help protect and defend other peoples’ rights, we further protect and defend our own. Even if doing so would offer the doer no benefit, no one should hesitate to do the right thing. It’s an easy decision as long as humanity is at one’s heart.
#DoTheRightThing #HumanRights #WomensRights #LGBTQIA #VotingRights #GunSafety #AbortionRights #ReproductiveRights #BodilyAutonomy #CivilRights #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #DACA #DREAMAct #Dreamers #AnimalRights #ADA #ImmigrantsRights
#immigrantsrights #ada #animalrights #dreamers #dreamact #DACA #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #civilrights #BodilyAutonomy #ReproductiveRights #AbortionRights #gunsafety #VotingRights #LGBTQIA #womensrights #HumanRights #dotherightthing << DeGrinchis strikes again.
#dreamact #florida #immigration
@Joaquincastrotx The first time we heard of #DreamAct, later #DACA, was on a draft circulated by Gutierrez, then Durbin & Hatch around 2000. Then Lugar and Hagel...we been dealing with this for over 2 decades and Congress has failed to pass a bill each time, so it could be a chance to finally get it done.
The gang and criminal bars #democrats added to the #dreamact are misguided and dangerous. Learn more about them in this week’s #DeportThis! Column
#democrats #dreamact #deportthis