Carla F Ellis · @Joop_Moonchild
14 followers · 50 posts · Server

Today I forgot how to post on here and had to look it up. Just a heads up, I'm 53, going through the menopause and have post concussion syndrome. What fun!? I can read all my books like new again🙄 ffs.

Anyway, here's Jessamy, a lovely person on Instagram, gave me the idea to make her.

#thesandman #jessamytheraven #MatthewTheRaven #dreamalwayshasaraven #handmade #handsewn #handstitched #clothdoll #art #craft #fanart

Last updated 2 years ago

Carla F Ellis · @Joop_Moonchild
28 followers · 107 posts · Server

Today I forgot how to post on here and had to look it up. Just a heads up, I'm 53, going through the menopause and have post concussion syndrome. What fun!? I can read all my books like new again🙄 ffs.

Anyway, here's Jessamy, a lovely person on Instagram, gave me the idea to make her.

#thesandman #jessamytheraven #MatthewTheRaven #dreamalwayshasaraven #handmade #handsewn #handstitched #clothdoll #art #craft #fanart

Last updated 2 years ago