Last night I #Dreamed I was some sort of airline pilot/ship captain.
Might have been different characters, both me.
Anyway, a younger me was apparently time traveling(backwards), trying to help older ship captain me(?) avoid blame for a terrible collision with a large pizza(?) passanger barge / floating "waterway is closed" warning..thing.
There was also flying (plane) involved.
And watching some middling super hero movie.
Last night I #dreamed that my named co-teacher for a conference short course arrived hours late while someone I hadn't expected to be present picked up the slack as if he had been the co-organizer all along.
Last night I #dreamed that I encountered a young woman walking alone near a federal industrial site. She wasn't particularly interested in talking, but eventually she explained that her husband had recently died, not long after he had begun behaving strangely, such as claiming illness but seeking treatment entirely secretly. Suddenly a young moose careened past us, banging its head into the metal shed next to us. It lurched almost drunkenly all around our path.
Last night I #dreamed that my college friend denounced the parent of another student in the residence hall so she could move to a better room.
Last night I #dreamed that I was a peaceful lion who visited a Catholic church a bit outside his usual neighborhood.
Last night I #dreamed that I worked with a team on a manhunt. When a few team members were sufficiently rested, they were capable of opening portals to teleport to a different site.
Last night I #dreamed that I was an air traffic controller in a place with hardly any flights.
Last night I #dreamed that I was summoned by the Corps of Engineers to explain some old code I wrote at a research site that would be submerged by a new dam, nearing completion.
Last night I #dreamed that I was friends with a group of young people with psionic air defense powers, and I was elected pope.
Last night I #dreamed that our cavalry were attacked by a nanotechnology weapon.
Last night I #dreamed that I worked in rail yards operated by the U.S. Navy.
Last night I #dreamed that I visited with an early graduate student of mine, after the war ended, and we tried to find a restaurant that served authentic food from his province of China.
Last night #Dreamed about Some Thing(s?) in the roof of the farm.
We (I?) had to fight them.
At the end it was not going well.
Woke up screaming.
Realized later the Things looked kinda like something from TV show Salem.
heh... first time in a loooong time tv show featured in a nightmare. what am I? 6?
Last night I #dreamed that I was a sort of electrical knight. I was undefeated until some realized they could negate spots on my armor with electrical fields.
Last night I #dreamed that a friend of mine had passed a grad school examination and was about to attend her party when a nurse arrived and forced her into quarantine due to a blood test.
Last night I #dreamed that I struggled with the responsibility of finding a restaurant at which all the workshop participants would find good options for lunch.
Last night I #dreamed that I was delayed leaving the science conference because I challenged another visitor to find the route through a challenging life-sized maze before I could.
#dreamed about my #bicycle hooligan gang; riding cow paths through parks and parking lots, helping strangers who had wrecked, dodging cagers we'd pissed off, joining boom-box rides on the embarcadero. I miss doing crimes, having a posse, the danger and beauty of the City. #dream
Last night I #dreamed that I had only just joined the army when the Night King left one of his spiral designs to mark his attack.
Last night I #dreamed that our hostel or backpackers' inn was so far from the beach that I regularly led groups down the hill to the waterfront.