🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #CerysMatthews
Dreamers’ Circus:
🎵 Auf Dem Flusse
#nowplaying #bbc6music #CerysMatthews #dreamerscircus
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheFolkShowWithMarkRadcliffe
Dreamers’ Circus:
🎵 A Room In Paris
#nowplaying #TheFolkShowWithMarkRadcliffe #dreamerscircus
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #NightTracks
Dreamers’ Circus:
🎵 Bubbles in Central Park
#nowplaying #NightTracks #dreamerscircus #BBC3MusicBot
One last gem from #DreamersCircus, their delicate, beautiful Sofastykket.
There's a full informal "concert" of an album if you're looking to fill most of two hours too 🙂 , it's called Møn Sessions LIVE
@Ruth_Mottram Sorry for being slow to reply, been one of those weeks. Do you know Dreamers' Circus? They're a Danish trio I point everyone too because they're so completely brilliant. Have only been able to hear them live once but best gig I've ever been to. They're grounded in both trad and classical and take it to their own places.
#Trad #FolkMusic #DreamersCircus #Denmark
#denmark #dreamerscircus #folkmusic #trad
Dreamers Circus. Power folk. https://fb.watch/g-uyVe6s7c/ #folkmusik #folkmusic #dreamerscircus
#dreamerscircus #folkmusic #folkmusik