The Dataverse Project is hiring three software developers!
In related news, does anyone know of someone who will hire a person and pay them $$$$$ to create images that SHOULD immediately be returned by google image search but aren't?
Because I would love to do that thing.
I would also like to be the person who designs the (ppt?) slideshows that play in movie theaters when you get there too early.
And also the person who creates the splash graphics for local news shows to use for coverage of breaking news stories.
Dreamjobs? Any museum in #Ireland and Prince’s #PaisleyPark. Feel free to DM me. 😄 #Prince #Museums #MuseumJobs #DreamJobs
#ireland #paisleypark #prince #museums #museumjobs #dreamjobs
I wonder what it's like to work somewhere that's properly staffed and resourced?
#musings #dreamjobs
i would also love to work here if i could #DreamJobs