Things I wish I had time for:
- #Dreamcast accessory that makes the system think it’s talking to a modem but it’s actually a UART to IP bridge, but without the analog phone bits that are required with #DreamPi. Make this accessory have an expansion header for someone to also attach a BBA emulator to the bus.
- hardware hack for the #PCjr to make #EGA modes that are feature compatible work by mapping memory and implementing registers (and also redefinable characters with shadow RAM)
#dreamcast #dreampi #pcjr #ega
Daytona USA 2001 for Dreamcast Online Functionality Being Restored
Some exciting news for people who have set up their Dreamcasts for online play. While official servers for Dreamcast games have all been taken down long ago, fans have worked towards making their own fan-run versions, and word from Dreamcast Junkyard is that they're close to
#retro #daytona #dreamcast #dreampi #ioncannon #online #racing #retro #sega
#sega #racing #online #ioncannon #dreampi #dreamcast #daytona #retro
Wrote a new article: Running a Dedicated Quake III Arena Server for Dreamcast - (For the three people in the world that would be interested in doing this) #dreamcast #dreampi #quakeiii