Excellente journée de reprise : j'ai fait 200 trucs simples mais tous différents, j'ai turbiné toute la journée mais j'ai trouvé le temps de faire une sieste pendant laquelle j'ai écouté Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory 😁
#DreamTheater #Metal 🤘
Il faut réussir à supporter la voix de James Labrie, de plus en plus insupportable, mais mazette, la formation musicale derrière (que des anciens étudiants de Berkeley), on a rarement fait mieux, point barre. Le solo de synclavier, à 15:28, je m'en remets toujours pas depuis que je l'ai vu sur scène lors de la tournée Octavarium...
Auf dem #aquamariafestival empfahl mir #RainerStache unbedingt bei #dreamtheater vorbeizuschauen und nun bin ich grad musikduselig, also hin und weg.
Wie so oft wundere ich mich mal wieder, was mir tolles an Musik alles noch unbekannt ist.
#aquamariafestival #rainerstache #dreamtheater
#NowPlaying #DreamTheater
I can't believe I've never listened to DT's debut album. "Status Seeker" has no right to be such a banger. Getting some Blind Guardian vibes with this one.
Thinking about Dream Theater after @jessica has been talking about them.
I was surprised to see in a music shop today that they've released tribute albums to Number of the Beast and Master of Puppets, among their Lost Not Forgotten Archives official bootleg series.
May need to add them to the curriculum at #MetalSchoolForTim.
#dreamtheater #metalschoolfortim
Alles, was #Musik für mich bedeutet. Und ich bin nun wirklich kein Fan von #ProgressiveMetal. Aber #DreamTheater sind für mich eine Offenbarung, vor allem "Octavarium".
Schönen Start in die Woche.
#musik #progressivemetal #dreamtheater
https://open.spotify.com/track/5KV5QatI2tY5ZLmYMj5mxI?si=rYT5TIVSQMKapD9L8sClPg uno dei miei preferiti Intro di batteria #mastoradio #DreamTheater #HonorThyFather #progressive #metal
#mastoradio #dreamtheater #honorthyfather #progressive #metal
#scarsymmetry klingen wie #dreamtheater auf Steroiden 😄🔥#nowplaying
#nowplaying #dreamtheater #scarsymmetry
Che bel social quello dove quando si arriva si fa l' #introduction :)
Sono un arciere appassionato ( #barebow ) e tesserato, un avido lettore ed un discreto videogiocatore.
Amo il cinema e la musica, fra i miei gruppi preferiti #TheBeatles, #CreedenceClearwaterRevival, #PinkFloyd, #Slipknot e #DreamTheater.
Per pagare il mutuo mi occupo di informatica.
Questo social mi sembra pulito, spero non degeneri.
#introduction #barebow #thebeatles #creedenceclearwaterrevival #pinkfloyd #slipknot #dreamtheater
とりあえずここ Mastodon (mstdn.Jp)には SLAYER と DREAM THEATER が足りない。
#dreamtheater #ドリームシアター #slayer #スレイヤー
Hello Stretch....she's staying home but we're going to see #devintowsend and #dreamtheater tonight and I'm so stoked!
Until all that remained was buried deep beneath the surface.
#dreamtheater #peony #garden #gardenphotogralhy #macrophotography #flower #yeg #stalbert #edmonton
#dreamtheater #peony #garden #gardenphotogralhy #macrophotography #flower #yeg #StAlbert #edmonton
#DreamTheater I hope the twins of my dream were able to overcome the dark forces preventing them from loving each other as family.
@Ursalzona meu resultado foi 43/100... mas fiquei confuso pq teve item que eu já fiz, mas que foi um desprazer, por exemplo, escutar uma música inteira do #dreamtheater ... então não marquei pq pedia pra marcar apenas o que tenho prazer em fazer...como assistir a jogo de quarta e domingo, falar de esportes, tomar uma cerveja diferentona, rir de piada de peido...
Había olvidado que este es uno de los mejores TEMAZOS de la última era con Miguelito JuguetePorno.
#DreamTheater #MikePortnoy #Metal #HeavyMetal #ProgressiveMetal
#dreamtheater #MikePortnoy #metal #heavymetal #progressivemetal
After a long period of excessive listening to the whole #DreamTheater discography (and a little digression into #Nightwish afterwards) I started working my way through the #EltonJohn albums. Mostly inspired by #TinyDancer and the DreamTheater cover of Funeral for a friend / Love lies bleeding.
Boy, that guy has released a lot of albums in the 70ies. And most of them only had one or two good songs. Don't talk about the disco record.
But finally I arrived at the "Live in Australia" record from 1986. Wow. What a fantastic record. Listen to "Tonight". The quiet parts with only piano and vocals. The parts where the orchestra joins in. Brilliant. And the fact that his voice is strained and almost breaks, but he still released this record. Respect.
#TinyDancer #eltonjohn #nightwish #dreamtheater
"I may never find all the answers
I may never understand why
I may never prove
What I know to be true
But I know that I still have to try."
~ Dream Theater - The spirit carries on ~
Goodnight! 🌠
#musica #music #songs #dreamtheater #march #marzo #spring #primavera #21marzo #21march #notte #night
#musica #music #songs #dreamtheater #march #marzo #spring #primavera #21marzo #21march #notte #night
🎼 1 Enerjik, 1 Duygusal Playlist
Parça 6: (Duygusal)
#DreamTheater - Space-Dye Vest