そんな日に #Dressing ちゃんのミニアルバム「TEKITOU」配信開始!
Röstkartoffeln mit Tahin und Sojasauce
#vegan #vegetarisch #Ottolenghi
#Kartoffeln würfeln, mit #Rosenharissa #Knoblauch #Olivenöl SalzPfeffer mischen und im Ofen rösten, bis sie gebräunt sind.
#Dressing: #Tahin #Sojasauce #Mirin #Reisessig
Die Kartoffeln mit dem Dressing beträufeln, mit #Schnittlauch oder #Frühlingszwiebeln und #Sesam bestreuen.
#sesam #fruhlingszwiebeln #schnittlauch #reisessig #mirin #Sojasauce #tahin #dressing #olivenol #knoblauch #rosenharissa #kartoffeln #Ottolenghi #vegetarisch #vegan
I'm convinced that every restaurant's #specialsauce is just #thousandisland #dressing.
#specialsauce #thousandisland #dressing #food
【Dressing kimono in 10 minutes】Kimono Beauty Sato Kondo teaches you how to dress kimono simply! https://www.moezine.com/729953/
#10分 #announcer #Dressing #easy #greyhair #Howtowearkimono #howto #japan #japaneseculture #Japanesekimono #japanesestyle #japanesetraditional #KIMONO #kimonodress #kimonolife #kitsuke #Nationalcostume #obi #traditionalclothes #yukata #アナ #アナ美人 #きもの #グレーヘア #グレイヘア #サト読ム #ゆかた #伝統工芸 #伝統工芸品 #伝統文化 #女子アナ #女子アナ美人 #帯 #民族衣装 #浴衣 #着付け #着物 #簡単 #近藤サト
#10分 #announcer #dressing #easy #greyhair #howtowearkimono #howto #japan #japaneseculture #japanesekimono #japanesestyle #japanesetraditional #kimono #kimonodress #kimonolife #kitsuke #nationalcostume #obi #traditionalclothes #yukata #アナ #アナ美人 #きもの #グレーヘア #グレイヘア #サト読ム #ゆかた #伝統工芸 #伝統工芸品 #伝統文化 #女子アナ #女子アナ美人 #帯 #民族衣装 #浴衣 #着付け #着物 #簡単 #近藤サト
It’s light #dressing. You gave me light dressing. This is light dressing. Yeah. Yeah this is light.
A new type of wound dressing for burn victims has been developed which is produced using a 3D-printer. The dressing tries to find a good compromise between making adhesion work and being able to be taken off the skin. See http://www.neat-news.com/2023/06/157.php. #wound #dressing
Referenced link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-06-customized-3d-wound-treatment-victims.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-06-customized-3d-wound-treatment-victims.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/medical_xpress/status/1666043364511195136#m
RT by @physorg_com: Customized 3D printed wound #dressing could improve treatment for burn victims and cancer patients https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0021979723001984 https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-06-customized-3d-wound-treatment-victims.html
One of the most amazing displays of #democracy in history must be that one thousand islands came together and agreed on one single #dressing.
This was a day I was #bedridden (like the vast majority of my days). #Stress (I suffer from #SocialAnxiety, general #anxiety & resultant #PanicAttacks) placed me in the fat-burning zone for nearly 10.5 hours. And this, whilst not occurring every single day, is the dominant feature of my Fitbit reports. No #AntiAnxiety meds for nearly 5 months.
No #medications No #SocialCare Minimal #FoodAndWater No #HygieneSupport No help with #Dressing etc.
#dressing #hygienesupport #foodandwater #Socialcare #medications #antianxiety #Panicattacks #anxiety #socialanxiety #stress #bedridden
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-04-wound-reveal-infection.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-04-wound-reveal-infection.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1648418348596854785#m
Researchers develop wound #dressing that can reveal infection https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2590006423000340 https://phys.org/news/2023-04-wound-reveal-infection.html
#Salat #vegan
#Radieschen, versch. #Blattsalat.e #Datteln #Orangen.filets #Zwiebeln #Thaibasilikum + frische rote #Chili
#Dressing: #Orangensaft #Olivenöl #Tamarindenpaste #Sojasauce #Ahornsirup #Orangenblütenwasser SalzPfeffer
#orangenblutenwasser #Ahornsirup #Sojasauce #tamarindenpaste #olivenol #Orangensaft #dressing #chili #thaibasilikum #zwiebeln #Orangen #datteln #blattsalat #Radieschen #vegan #salat
"I got home alright in the end. Just the dress got a bit dirty. But when I went to change my brother walked in on me. That's why you should always knock before entering!" 😳
#ai #aiart #stablediffusion #kemonomimi #mousegirl #underwear #dressing #bottomless #blush #embarrassed #nele
#nele #embarrassed #blush #bottomless #dressing #underwear #mousegirl #kemonomimi #stablediffusion #aiart #ai
From the people who brought you "Kraft Mac & Cheese" ice cream and "Grey Poupon Mustard" ice cream, comes "Hidden Valley Ranch" ice cream. They also are offering Sweet Maple Cornbread ice cream and Limoncello cake ice cream... $4.98/ container.
#ice #cream #ranch #dressing #mustard #maple #cornbread #dessert #macaroni #cheese #limoncello #cake https://www.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/news/where-to-buy-hidden-valley-ranch-van-leeuwen-ice-cream
#ice #cream #ranch #dressing #mustard #maple #cornbread #dessert #macaroni #cheese #limoncello #cake
I think, at this point, we should all just accept the fact that Ranch should be considered an essential nutrient
#ranch #dressing #nutrients #icecream #science #itsjustajoke
#ranch #dressing #nutrients #icecream #Science #itsjustajoke
#Salat #Ottolenghi #simpel
Von den #Orangen die Schale abschneiden, in Scheiben schneiden, große Scheiben halbieren. Große weiche #Datteln entsteinen + schneiden, #Radieschen in dünnen Scheiben, rote #Zwiebel in feinen Ringen, #Rucola, #LolloRosso, viel #Petersilie + #Pfefferminze gob gehackt.
#Dressing: #Zitronensaft #Knoblauch #Orangenblütenwasser #Fenchelsamen (geröstet + gemörsert) #Olivenöl + SalzPfeffer
Das Dressing ist total interessant und überraschend.
#olivenol #fenchelsamen #orangenblutenwasser #knoblauch #Zitronensaft #dressing #Pfefferminze #Petersilie #lollorosso #rucola #zwiebel #Radieschen #datteln #Orangen #simpel #Ottolenghi #salat