**The Michael Brookes' Memorial Lore Tour **has been one of my absolute pinnacles of gaming experience, not only in #elitedangerous, but overall.
Feel free to watch the whole tour; here's the moment where we prepare for the traditional mass jump to honour Michael Brookes.
Thanks for the great trip, #drewwagar !
(If you see the orange Python - that's me. :) )
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. #Bookstodon
Some of mine in no particular order:
I think that's seven, right? Hard to keep it to only seven...
#bookstodon #iainmbanks #alastairreynolds #annleckie #johnscalzi #patrickrothfuss #arkadymartine #peterfhamilton #kenmacleod #charliestross #marthawells #drewwagar